The Greatest Crisis the Church Has Known.

 There is a great deal of confusion going on in the Church today.    What has been picked up by the media is that Pope Francis has called for a Synod of the Church to take place after the different dioceses in the world have taken part in local synods.   The confusing part is that every diocese is instructed to let every other religious body comment, and even lapsed Catholics or Non-Catholics.   Those who see sense in this are planning some kind of pan-religion, which will turn the Catholic Church away from Christ and become a secular institute where every belief and any belief is acceptable.   Just look at the suggestion that there is no need for a priesthood to celebrate Mass.  From the very beginning it was by the  Apostles and other eminent men who,as Pope Clement wrote to the Church in Corinth, when they tried to sack their appointees, that they were appointed especially to be priests and offer sacrifices.  That was in 96AD.   The ignorance of the Early Fathers and Church history is appalling among many clergy who are more interested in being seen by the world as 'mature' intellectuals, rather than men who have faith in the teachings of Christ and are spreading His Gospel.

A Church which taught its children chastity, and that marriage was indissoluble as Jesus Christ taught, is now faced with the destructive power of a pagan world and its teaching on free sex, contraceptives, multi-families, single families, gay relationships, and abortion, has now left many of our children with psychological difficulties and indeed a growing number of young people self harming and suicidal.  The rate of teenage suicides is constantly increasing.    But many of our priests and bishops, having abandoned the commandments and teachings of Jesus, are content in  being good pals with the parishioners, have no insight into the problems they face, and why these problems exist.   We are now in a very bad place. Will the wilful neglect of Jesus, lead to the end of the Catholic Church?

We have been warned by the only totally human being, who is not Christ nor has she any divinity, Mary the Mother of Jesus, that things are not right between God and the World.    She appeared at Fatima.  Now is that the place where three small children mesmerised 70,000 people into seeing the same vision of the sun dancing and falling from the sky?    If you prefer that to the truth, then good luck.   But that the vision is true, there is not doubt.   Of course if you do not like the narrative you can always stick out your tongue and shout.  "It did not happen".   And I am sure others who do not want to believe, will do the same.   What I find very sad in the Catholic Church of today, is that so many people, following false priests and prophets, are so adamant that what they call 'the Catholic Mary' should not be praised and honoured.    The Early Fathers saw her as 'the New Eve', the woman born without sin who unlike Eve was ever faithful to God and remained full of grace.   She was called 1800 years later The Immaculate Conception. Now if Protestants deny this, then that is their business but what I am angry about, yes, angry about, are the Ecumenical Catholics who fail to see that unity comes through truth, and not showing you are as clever as the Protestants.   The truth is that Protestants actually despise such efforts at ecumenism.   Talk about family betrayal.    

So having moaned a little bit, I will say this.   Do not try to stop anything Marian happening in your Parish.   If they are praying for peace in the world, do not treat them as backward.   Perhaps you are putting the dunces cap on the wrong head. 



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