The Wonderful Secular Society.
When you listen to the News and they talk about poor families, have you ever noticed that the mothers in the poor families are always single parents. Well have you noticed? It is just amazing to me that the we are almost trained not to notice. We are carried along by political arguments, proving that this party or that party does not really care about the people, but the subject of the argument is superficial to the reality underneath. Women are no longer valued by men, who just walk out if there is any pregnancy, or if they meet someone else they just walk out on their wives or partners and their children. I am speaking of something here that everybody knows, but somehow ignores as they get on with their own lives, being guided by work and political pressure whether right or left. There are plenty of willing people ready to help, thank God, but they cannot solve the problem of a selfish part of society, How men just use women as bodies for pleasure and then move on with not care at all. Love plays little part om their lives. We hear from schools about a growing number of pupils who are psychology disturbed or facing mental health problems but what we must not do is blame this on the lack of a father. There are young black people knifing, or lately shooting one another in London, but I have witnessed on BBC twice, people being shut down, one a former commissioner of police, for attempting to say that a major cause is the lack of a father. We have many kinds of families now and to claim that there is only a father and mother variant is very much at odds with the freedom of sex, so beloved by the Left leaning politician. If a child wants to trans we must take him or her seriously and acknowledge his human rights, just keep the parents out of it. The latest news is that the Superman comic is now going to portray Superman as bisexual, so we will see him kissing, and just kissing I hope a man and a woman. It was introduced so innocently by the BBC Of course a bisexual Superman is a great compliment to bisexuals they say, but its purpose of course is to fix sex and gay sex, and bisexual sex into the minds of young people. There is no longer any shame in the world nor the BBC.
This is of course not the teaching of Jesus Christ, but we have a new Holy Spirit now who has abandoned Our Saviour, since he lived two thousand years ago and new nothing about marriage in the present day. He of course agrees with the Holy Spirit that such teachings are not appropriate to our secular society. He had it all wrong on sex, so let our young people get on with ruining their lives.
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