The Story of the Eucharist: Part 1

 There were many prophecies in the Old Testament that before the coming of Christ could not be explained.   One of them was the prophecy of Malachi.   Now Malachi was in dispute with the Jewish priests about the worthiness of their sacrifices.   He accused them of not choosing animals that were perfect and sound for the sacrifices but rather cheating God by choosing the sick and the lame which contradicted the spirit of sacrifice.   In Malachi 1.10-11 his prophecy is the following which would happen in the future.   "From the rising of the sun until its setting, my name is great among the gentiles and everywhere there is offered sacrifice - a spotless victim".   As you can see this prophecy spoke not just of Jews offering sacrifices to God, but the whole world.   How it could be fulfilled was indeed a mystery beyond the imagination of the Jewish people.   Today the priest before he consecrates the bread and wine speaks the words of Malachi.   "From the rising of the sun until its setting a perfect offering is made........".

So let us move on then to see how the mystery unfolded.   It is the time of Christ and in John 6 we find Jesus talking very strangely indeed.   "Unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you cannot have life in you".    He made clear that this feast was not for the good of the body which perishes, but for the good of the soul.    Many thought Him mad and followed him no more.   Even the Apostles when asked by Jesus if they also wanted to leave him, replied "Where could we go for you have the words of eternal life"   They did not understand his words, but they believed he would make it possible in some way.

Then came the Last Supper which gave the Apostles something to think about.    Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them saying "Take this all of you and eat it for this is my Body which will be offered up for you"   Then he took wine and said "This is my Blood of the New and Everlasting Testament which will be shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sin".     So it is the Body that is to be sacrificed and the blood that is to be shed, that the Apostles must offer.  "Do this in memory of Me".   In Part 2 we will look at the beliefs and practices of the Early Church.


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