A Question for the Laity
Yet again and I have lost count of the number of times I have listened to sex educationalists over the years, schoolchildren will be taught about sexual relationships in a new programme, but this time there is a slight difference in that there have been complaints that schoolgirls have been abused and complained about the abuses have been made. Of course with the use of reason we can also ask how many girls have been abused and yet never complained. To be fair to the sex education 'experts' they have admitted that they do not know any other way to tackle the problem than to start talking about consensual sex. But having instructed them in the use of contraceptives and safe sex, having seen how older people behave and they want to act older, watching the culture of sex on TV where relationship means being sexually active, and indeed in our Catholic Schools which should be listening to Jesus Christ and His teachings on sex and marriage but fail miserably to follow, the Secular World has become a place where women are used and abused on a large scale, perhaps these educationalists can at least say they are preparing the girls for the real world. The children have been completely robbed of their innocence, and in the Catholic perspective, they have been robbed of a love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Little wonder they have little respect for the Church which was supposed to guide them. They see so many single mothers who attended Catholic schools. They know of Catholic girls who attended abortion clinics. They see marriages break down and some of the children grow up insecure and unhappy. They look at a Church full of 'goodie goodies' and priests who just want to show how 'concerned' they are, but real help - that is a different question, for they do not even want to know them.
And we have scholars sent among us to say 'The Church is all wrong about sex' which means that Jesus Christ was all wrong about sex. I have written a blog you can read again on St Justin in the early Church. Pagans had attacked the Christians for 'holding meetings where brothers and sisters were engaged in love feasts, and they ate the flesh of a man called Christus'. Justin explained first their belief in the presence of Christ in Holy Communion, then he went on to tell them that the Church saw sex as only to be performed in valid marriages from which there was no divorce. Those who did not marry remained chaste for the rest of their lives. They valued this chastity, for it was their way of loving Christus. Now compare the early Church with the Church of today.
There is one more important point to make. Since chastity is no longer valued in the Church and indeed adultery encouraged from an early age, with chastity not even mentioned, what effect did this have on vocations.
If indeed the laity are asked to sort out their priorities for a Synod, should the laity not look around the Churches and note the absence of young people and ask if the Church of today is relevant to anyone, since it has abandoned Christ.
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