Now where did this teaching that we should not adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament come from? Certainly in the 70's and 80's when the Bishops of England were paying for 'scholars' and 'experts' to be rid of this devotion, the claim was that in the 11th Century the Church had made too much of the presence of Jesus in the the Sacrament. It had got out of hand. Many of us were obliged to sit and listen to them for they were 'experts' after all. Yet, there was no document in the Church nor in the History of the Church that supported their 'expertise'.
But this was Anti-Christ, the attack on Jesus. We were stopped from kneeling to receive Holy Communion, Children preparing for First Communion were taught nothing about the Sacrament but nonsense about their gifts and charisms, and unhappy parents were told that to explain the presence of Jesus was only confusing children, since they could not understand. It was useless to ask the question "Did they understand?" I never had any difficulty as a child in understanding the Blessed Sacrament for I was not expected to understand it, just accept it and children were at an age when they did so easily. In my old age I still do not understand it, and I know of no one else who does. It is a mystery to be accepted. But then we had a wonderful new Church and those who supported the New Church were put in charge to keep the 'people who were stuck in the past' in their place. But more was to follow.
There came the thorny question about Adoration. Should we adore Jesus in the Tabernacle on the Altar? There was a simple answer to that - just blame Vatican II again and move the Tabernacle to another room, a box in the corner, or just think up something original - like a Burning Bush. It was another triumph for the Anti-Christ, Jesus was effectively being removed from the Church. However this has not quite worked out for they were dealing with adults and many were still demanding Adoration, which those who 'had moved on' did not like very much. In many parishes those who still adored Jesus struggled to keep their Faith in Jesus alive. Whenever there is Adoration in a Catholic Church now, you just know who will turn up and who will not. What we have is a church divided by heresy, a very divided community. I say 'heresy' for again the teaching of the Church is quite to the contrary and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is encouraged in Catholic teaching and all official Catholic documents.
But let us move to the positive and ask why Adoration.
When the priest says the Words of Consecration the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus. And, as I have shown, it is not Jesus in Bread and Wine, He is the bread and wine.. Now when we receive Holy Communion we are taken up into a world where we are consumed with the love of Jesus, or should be, though even this is condemned for we must remember the Community. After Communion is distributed there are hosts still not consumed. Now these hosts not consumed have been turned into the Body of Jesus. "When we eat this bread ad drink this cup are we not 'in communion with' (joined to) the body and blood of Jesus? Paul asked the Corinthians. but the host that is not consumed does not magically change back to Bread, it is still Jesus, true and entire, and will be used with the fresh hosts of the next Mass to feed the people. Now this is where I get lost when I listen to the Bishops Priests, and Lay People who are against Adoration. What is their objection? Why do they tell me that I cannot adore the Real Presence of Jesus in the Sacred Species. I will probably get an answer of course, when pigs fly.
But let us examine the positives again. When we kneel and adore this sacrament given to us in the Mass we extend our thanksgiving to Jesus for his presence.,. Usually during the Mass we get little time for this, for we sing hymns, listen to parish notices, then get out there talking to people. It is nice then to return to the unconsumed Jesus and begin our thanksgiving again. We are, in doing this, prolonging the Mass, even if it is days later for God is not guided by time.
We also can go back to asking God for blessings and favours and start contemplating on the Sacred Species itself. Why does God love us so much that he stays with us in our Churches wauting for us to pray, ask for blessings and favours, listen to our complaints, listen to our prayers for our families and friends, we have so much time to love and adore Him.
I pray that every Tabernacle will be restored to the Altars in our churches and that Catholics will again worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
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