EVANGELISATION - The pitiful state of the Catholic Church in England
Evangelisation is the 'in world' in the Catholic Church. We just have to set up a few Committees for this and that and we are evangelising. We 'evangelise ' in our schools where 95% of pupils leave the Church even before they leave the School. We evangelise at RCIA meetings where four out of five who come along looking for something leave because they find nothing. We evangelise among ourselves after Mass on Sunday, well some do, showing we are very nice people and you should come more often to meet very nice people, for if you are a nice person you are a Christian. too bad on all those nice people who are not.
So what does 'evangelisation' mean to Jesus Christ. After all are we not following him.? You will find the answer in Matthew 28, "All authority is given to me in Heaven and on earth, go therefore to all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL I HAVE COMMANDED YOU, and behold I am with you always even to the end of the world"
Now does this not mean that we just have to go and spread the message of love? What a wonderful idea! We all like to love do we not? And all that about observance of all he had commanded, was that not just love also? How very nice, how very easy! I suppose we can ignore all that talk about Adultery and let the kids enjoy themselves. We can even show them how they can do it safely with contraception. The common sense way. Jesus said, IN HIS TIME, that we should not commit Adultery, but surely that does not apply in this day and age, surely not? Father said it was OK as long as we gave to the poor.
Perhaps Father does not visit the broken homes and broken families. Perhaps even in Catholic Schools they ignore the unhappiness of children growing up without a father with the firm conviction that 'things will turn out in the end' Unfortunately things usually get worse. It is not just unhappy children caused by single motherhood where a woman and her children feel abandoned and unwanted, it is also the breakdown of marriage because sex before marriage without responsibility is not good training for the faithfulness expected within marriage. Young men no longer procreate, provide and protect their women and offspring they just walk out when they meet someone else who can give them more than their wives. But for goodness sake, the children grow up and get over it, why should we care? it is said that over 70% of Prostitutes once lived in Childrens' Homes. and how many children of single mothers feeling they have no hope of love just follow in their mothers footsteps and become single mothers because they never had the experience of a Fathers love and had no one to guide them. It is all there, just beyond the front door of the Church, young people living on drugs and sex, feeling hurt and that nobody really cares.
But then what can we do? We just go to Church on Sunday and enjoy fellowship.. But I am being hard we do contribute to the missions. We collect enormous sums.
I wonder what Jesus thinks of all this. He wanted his people to be the salt of the earth but they are no better than the rest of society. These children I mentioned do not really enter into their thoughts, and if they do it is just to feel sorry for a moment, but they still do nothing. Jesus hated divorce for his Kingdom was indeed to be one of love, but this love was to be formed in family life. The experience of the love of a father and mother was to be the building brick of his Kingdom. The love they learned in the family they would take with them into the world. AND JESUS SPOKE WITH MORE AUTHORITY THAN THE MUTTERINGS OF MANY PRIESTS AND BISHOPS. He was the Son of God with Authority from the Father and this authority he gave to His Church. And those who defy the authority of the Church to impose their own morality and excuse adultery and divorce are not standing with Jesus. They are the Anti-Christ.
So what does 'evangelisation' mean to Jesus Christ. After all are we not following him.? You will find the answer in Matthew 28, "All authority is given to me in Heaven and on earth, go therefore to all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL I HAVE COMMANDED YOU, and behold I am with you always even to the end of the world"
Now does this not mean that we just have to go and spread the message of love? What a wonderful idea! We all like to love do we not? And all that about observance of all he had commanded, was that not just love also? How very nice, how very easy! I suppose we can ignore all that talk about Adultery and let the kids enjoy themselves. We can even show them how they can do it safely with contraception. The common sense way. Jesus said, IN HIS TIME, that we should not commit Adultery, but surely that does not apply in this day and age, surely not? Father said it was OK as long as we gave to the poor.
Perhaps Father does not visit the broken homes and broken families. Perhaps even in Catholic Schools they ignore the unhappiness of children growing up without a father with the firm conviction that 'things will turn out in the end' Unfortunately things usually get worse. It is not just unhappy children caused by single motherhood where a woman and her children feel abandoned and unwanted, it is also the breakdown of marriage because sex before marriage without responsibility is not good training for the faithfulness expected within marriage. Young men no longer procreate, provide and protect their women and offspring they just walk out when they meet someone else who can give them more than their wives. But for goodness sake, the children grow up and get over it, why should we care? it is said that over 70% of Prostitutes once lived in Childrens' Homes. and how many children of single mothers feeling they have no hope of love just follow in their mothers footsteps and become single mothers because they never had the experience of a Fathers love and had no one to guide them. It is all there, just beyond the front door of the Church, young people living on drugs and sex, feeling hurt and that nobody really cares.
But then what can we do? We just go to Church on Sunday and enjoy fellowship.. But I am being hard we do contribute to the missions. We collect enormous sums.
I wonder what Jesus thinks of all this. He wanted his people to be the salt of the earth but they are no better than the rest of society. These children I mentioned do not really enter into their thoughts, and if they do it is just to feel sorry for a moment, but they still do nothing. Jesus hated divorce for his Kingdom was indeed to be one of love, but this love was to be formed in family life. The experience of the love of a father and mother was to be the building brick of his Kingdom. The love they learned in the family they would take with them into the world. AND JESUS SPOKE WITH MORE AUTHORITY THAN THE MUTTERINGS OF MANY PRIESTS AND BISHOPS. He was the Son of God with Authority from the Father and this authority he gave to His Church. And those who defy the authority of the Church to impose their own morality and excuse adultery and divorce are not standing with Jesus. They are the Anti-Christ.
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