What Do You Think, Or Would You Rather Not?

 In a previous blog  I referred  to St Justin, one of he Fathers of the Church, and his teaching on Marriage and Chastity.   He was telling the pagans that celibacy was a way of life in the Catholic Church.   Children who did not marry grew up still celibate into old age for love of Jesus.   He also taught that marriage was for life and there was no divorce or second marriages.   The conclusion must surely be that this was how the Early Church surrounded by pagans and sexual perversion of all kinds attracted so many followers, weary of the world around them.    They lived according to the teachings of Jesus and in showing their obedience demonstrated their love for Him.

Since the Secular Society of today has returned to paganism, am I really being stupid in wanting the Church to return to the ideals and teachings of Jesus to which the early Church was faithful.  Why ca our children not be taught that keeping chaste is to show love for Jesus and in showing their love Jesus will protect them?    But the darnel is choking the wheat, and it is not for God to call in the harvest, it is for the faithful labourers to try to weed the darnel out.   I have a vision of responsible Catholic families coming together to encourage one another in the bringing up of their children.   To give their life to prayer as far as they can.   The early Christians used to bless themselves with the sign of the Cross, at noon, at three o'clock,  and at six o'clock.   In more recent times this became the Angelus.   They would encourage one another in prayer, and every morning they could receive Communion in a home where the Blessed Sacrament was kept, today we would daily go to Church.     The children would grow up knowing and loving one another.   I am just starting this, does anyone interested in the idea have any suggestions.   We should certainly know any catholic family living nearby.    I can now look at the objections.   Excuse me, I go to Mass on Sunday and I have a full family life and I do not have the time for other people.    Understandable, but you cannot live a Christian life unless you have the example of other Christians.   The early Christians 'shared everything in common' as the Bible tells us.   In the Eucharist we are brothers and sisters of Christ, the New Adam, and Mary, the New Eve.    Perhaps what we need is a meeting place where people can call in at any time and talk and pray over a cup of tea.   But what we need is children growing up without the pain of being used sexually, being single parents, or entering disastrous marriages.   They need guidance in this, and if we start to give them guidance at an early age they would end up grateful in the end.   I am afraid at this point Catholic Schools can not be relied upon.

Well someone has to bring back the Church of early times, faithful to Christ and not to the world.   Of course I have not mentioned our shepherds.   Have they anything constructive or destructive, I can take it, to say.


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