Jesus Mercy, Mary Helpl

 What a beautiful dream I have.    The Church of St Justin has survived to the present day and Catholics are following Christ.   When the Church is attacked for not approving of sexuality outside marriage, or gay relationships, or allowing divorce, its answer is that it is not our way of life, our way of life is following the commandments of Jesus Christ.   Like Justin we simply state who we are.   Alas there has arisen in our ranks false Christs and Prophets who are causing dissent within.   "The Church has got it wrong" they say as they embrace the culture of the secular state and destroy the work of Jesus Christ to satisfy their own lust and selfishness.    So we have a Church where the teachings of Christ are laughted at and those who are faithful to Christ 'have not moved on'

Jesus and Mary help your suffering children.   Especially those who live a life of misery, through the fault of others.


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