
 He said to his disciples "Causes of falling are sure to come, but alas for the one through whom they may occur, it would be better for such a  person to be thrown into the sea with a millstone round his neck than to be the downfall of a single one of these little ones.  Keep watch on yourselves"    Luke 17.

I have in previous blogs made an account of the lives of St Justin and St Hippolytus.    They demonstrated that the Early Church was faithful to the Commandments of Christ on celibacy and divorce.    You remember Christ who said "If you love me, keep my commandments"   It is of course for each one of us to decide if we are truly in love with Christ or just living a life which seems to approximate with his teachings, but nevertheless we excuse ourselves by keeping mature in this mature time.    Fine you can choose heaven of hell, be you bishop, priest, or lay person, but if yo have taken responsibilities for others, especially little ones, as Jesus said, then if you teach them little about the commandments of Christ and they lose their souls, then you are responsible and answerable to Christ.

It does not matter what great works you have done in the sight of men.   It does not matter that you give to the poor.   It does not matter what charitable works you attach yourself to in following your own belief.   You have betrayed Christ, shown no love for his commandments, and are facing a fearful judgement.   Repent, bow your knee before the Blessed Sacrament, and ask forgiveness.    Your repentance will help bring back the Church to be the Kingdom of God that Christ intended.   Your repentance may also win heaven for those you betrayed. 


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