On Why I Will Not Follow

 I grew up in the Catholic Church in the 1940's.   When I went to school, I was not threatened with hell fire if I was not good.    Yes, there was some mention of Hell because Jesus Christ taught of its existence, but Jesus Christ gave us so many other beautiful things and we were taught that he asked us to be good, and if we obeyed his Commandments we would prove our love for Him.   We were taught form the Catechism, 'Where is Jesus Christ' and the answer was 'As God Jesus Christ is everywhere, but as God made man He is in Heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar'    Did I understand?  No, but with the promptings of Grace and the Holy Spirit, with talking to him in the Tabernacle on the Altar, I grew to believe He was there, though understanding how he was there was impossible.   How coud a piece of bread contain Jesus I still ask myself. 

When the enemies of Christ appeared in my Church Jesus was removed from the altar so as not to be a distraction to the new modern congregation, who saw themselves as the Body of Christ yet refused to recognise His commandments.   In my own parish, Jesus was not humiliated in this way but remained on the altar as Head of His Body, and for many of us we remained in that union with Him which was described as the Mystical Body of Christ, for we were his footsteps, his words, his actions, his teachers in the world, and we could only be this if we loved and were faithful to Him and his teachings.    But there were those who knew better and they wanted to be rid of Jesus and His Commandments.   It did not fit in with their modern lifestyle so they decided to build a New Church free from the tyrrany of Jesus and his followers.    Those Catholics who heard the Mass in Latin but did not understand it.   Those Catholics who being totally lost decided to pray the Rosary during Mass, those Catholics who did not apparently see themselves as worthy of receiving Holy Communion, and actually knelt in humility to receive, as the Apostles themselves taught, the Flesh of Jesus.   Then in order to pretend that it was not a sacrifice, we all gathered round the table, the priest facing the people, rather than a sacrificial priest facing the same way as the congregation and making the offering to the crucifix.

But enough, everyone has a duty to seek the truth, and if those who brought in this new Church have no faith in the teachings of Christ, they should beware of the words of Christ about the lukewarm whom he would vomit from his mouth.

I have blogged away for years about this New Church.     I once ended up by accident at a Catechism class where I was told that Vatican II taught that no Christian Church had the truth but it was shared among other Churches.   I did object that Vatican II did not such thing, and was subject then to abuse, which I am used to and immune to even back then.   At the end of the course it was agreed that the church will have to change its teachings on contraception, diovorce, and abortion.  It was the Holy Spirit working in the New Church I was told.   In other words forget Jesus Christ.   And by the way the New Mass was not introduced by the fathers of Vatican II.   All you have to do is look up the Document on the Liturgy, but of course the people you must not listen to will have been pointed out to you, so you will not do so.

But today I am in a dilemma.   Not it is not about the Latin Mass for if there are Cardinals in the Vatican who believe they can destroy this Mass, which after all is just another form of the sacrifice of the Mass, which they perform FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, and they are good people, they will be disappointed.   No I am worried about certain developments in my own diocese.  

I read an article in a magazine called the Tablet.    It was talking about a priest of the Oblates of the Immaculate, who unkindly and with no thought for the consequences to his Order, started telling parishioners not to have the Covid Vaccination.    What had happened was that this order had been accused by a Cardinal in the Vatican of stealing property from their order and giving it out to families of the priests.   The Order took him to court and the they were found 'not guilty'.   Bishop Hollis welcomed them to this Diocese.    Of course the haters of the Latin Mass were unhappy and complaints were made about women being forced to wear mantilas and even more objectionable that they were expected to kneel for Communion.   Horror of horrors.   Did they not know that Humility is offensive to God.   But in the article there was mention that Bishop Egan was also in trouble, why should he be in trouble, because he opposed an agreement of the Conference of Catholic Bishops on the covid question and wanted restriction removed.    I do not know what happened politically in the diocese, but I do know that a group of priests in the diocese, seem to be in charge and are dictating policy to other parishes.    In my own parish I am asking the question, is my own priest in charge?    We were treated to a rather dictatorial decree that the restricting of numbers would continue, and we all had to wear masks.    Now I have been to two functions in local halls hired for the occasion, in the last week.   No mask were required.  Thousands of people now attend football matches, and night clubs, and theatres, without restrictions in numbers.  So who are these people who are stopping people coming to Mass and Holy Communion.    We are asked our telephone numbers but if I was phoned I would still attend Mass the following Sunday for I have a double vaccination and am not required to self isolate.   If everyone did self isolate hardly anyone would attend Mass the following week.   No one is required in any other venue to deep clean for the virus does not live on surfaces.  The odds are 1 in 10,000.   But it seems that the bishop is no longer in charge.   I do not intend to follow any laws laid down by a dubious committee of lay people.  Next Sunday as far as I can I will not be questioned and I will not wear a mask since there is spacing.     I have had enough of modern Catholicism that has destroyed the faith of about four generations of schoolchidren.




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