The World Needs God
Another of the things my Catholic Faith is missing at this time, is the joy and comfort of going to Church and praying to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and begging the intercession of my Mother Mary with my fellow Faithful Catholics. This is a time when the world really needs to turn to God, for evil is winning in every part of life and in every part of the world. From young girls being taught how to participate in their own sexual abuse, to the warring soldiers of Satan in every part of the world. When we say that we fear for our young in he future, it is not just Climate Change we should be speaking about. What we do know, as our Christian Faith should remind us, is that more than any other need the world has, is the Need for the Love of God. Yes, we sing of that love, yes we profess that love, but how deep is that love within us. To be a Christian is to follow Christ, so let us apply the test Christ Himself gave us to prove our love "If you love me, keep my commandments" He suffered a brutal Death on the Cross to help us keep them. How much do we really care?
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