Some More Facts on Covid and the Church.

 Ever since the Covid restrictions were removed on the 14th August, I have been to my Grandson's Birthday Party which was held in a village hall hired for the occasion.    There were about  sixty children there and their parents.    There was no spacing, no masks being worn, and at the end of the party there was no requirement for the family to go around the hall and dining area furiously cleaning and defecting.   I also went to a restaurant where I just sat down at a table after placing my order.   There were no disinfecting of tables as people left, and there was no requirement for mask wearing either entering or leaving the restaurant.    Since there is no high infection rate in Basingstoke from Covid, and the majority of people have been vaccinated, life is returning to pre-covid days.   Indeed since a double vaccination makes a person 90% safe, many clubs and pubs are opening up, why should anyone fear

If you watch football on television, you will see up to 60,000 spectators standing side by side, Theatres are opening up with audiences to full capacity, and people there sit side by side.  It is therefore disheartening when I go to Church on Sunday to find someone taking my phone number, in no other establishment am I asked to provide this, and indeed the test and trace system is dying a slow death because it has proved so inadequate.   The latest information is that if you are 'pinged' but have had the double vaccination there is no need to 'self-isolate', so almost the same people will turn up the following Sunday if any alert arises at my parish.    I do not blame the good people who from the goodness of their heart provide this service to me on a Sunday, but I do question those who believe they have the power to impose it, without themselves checking the matter out.     As I have also noted in another blog the chances of catching Covid-19 from a surface is 1 in 10,000.   There was a dispute March and April 2020, since laboratory tests were saying that the virus could live on a surface for days, but this was challenged by other microbiologists and scientists who maintained that Laboratory tests were not accurate and only tests in real life situations can point to the truth, they won out and has anybody ever heard a discussion on the media about catching Covid-19 from a surface?     'Do not listen to him' is not an adequate answer to what I am pointing out; someone who takes responsibility for stopping people coming to worship Jesus, must be in control of the facts, when good people at the door are being challenged.   But above all it is a serious matter to exclude anyone from Sunday worship.


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