The Blasphemous Attack on the Blessed Sacrament

 I find it hard to continue writing about the Blessed Sacrament and sharing a vision of the love of Jesus in this Sacrament on this special Day, the Feast of the Sacred Heart.   On this day we celebrate the man Jesus, and how much he loves us through the symbol of his heart, which is where we accredit our feelings and emotions as human beings.  We love with our hearts, and Jesus loves us with his heart.

And yet this day brings sorrow not just for my awareness of how little I love, but for one of the worst blasphemies committed against His Sacred Heart.   It was in the late seventies when I visited a Church in a neighbouring town, that I saw for the first time this plot against Jesus.    There was no Tabernacle on the altar which made me wonder, but my attention was drawn to a priest who went to a neighbouring wall with some hosts  in his hands.   He opened a safe and put the sacred species inside.   Now I had never read anything about such changes and I was puzzled.   But more and more this change began to be made in other parishes, the Tabernacle was removed from the main altar and although there were times when the tabernacle was moved to a side altar in many parishes, in others the tabernacle was removed from the centre of the Altar and a safe put in its place, not at the centre but at the side.   I once visited a Church where the Sacrament could only be described as being 'dumped' in a back room.    When it came to my own parish  I noted once the committee had decided to move our Jesus in the Tabernacle so I asked questions, which is why I am described as divisive.   I was told that the position of the Sacrament was not liturgically correct.   When I asked why, I got no further information.   My thoughts were that perhaps there were priests who did not like to say Mass with their backs to the Tabernacle.  Then it was easy to move the tabernacle to the side, or even get the priest to say Mass facing the Tabernacle.   But this was not the reason.   The safe was a symbol of something being put away, and soon an 'expert' from a University told us why - the Sacrament was to be eaten and not adored.   It was the Middle Ages again going astray.   There was another very stupid reason given, the community was the Body of Christ, so we do not need Jesus Himself.    

In a neighbouring parish there was a new Church to be built.  A Committee from the Diocese 'consulted' a group of parishioners.    The parishioners were told that Church 'legislation' was against putting the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar.   So we had now reached the stage where not even safes were allowed.   Since it was a sister parish I will not comment further.    But let me say that in the early Church there were certainly no hosts left in reserve because of persecution, but hermits would take hosts to their caves to worship, and monks carried a host on their person.    Again Adoration is part of the Eastern Church and the Western Church and if anyone finds legislation against placing the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar please let me know.   The whole thing is an attack on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Jesus and Mary, pray for us.   Father forgive us this insult to your Son.


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