Do You Renounce Satan and All His Works?

Before writing this I have prayed to Jesus and Mary and St Raphael the Angel of Communication.   Some will say that I am mad, but then others know I am.   But all I can do is tell my story.

I was very enthusiastic about  Bishop Philip and his encouraging words as he introduced the Year of the Eucharist, so enthusiastic that on Monday I decided to send him my thanks by e-mail and offer him my thoughts on the matter.    So I sat down at my PC and went into my email page.    What opened up was not my usual email page, I found it difficult to find where I was supposed to write.   It was full of instructions on this, that and the other.    I did eventually find where to write but it was on a one line track and what I wrote before disappeared.    I eventually pressed 'send' and the last bit of my script disappeared.   But where did it go?   I pressed the side bit 'sent' items but it was not there.   It had vanished into thin air.   Did it go or did it not?    I then worried about it.   I came back to use Gmail later on.    Well I had been using that for years so no difficulty.   But then I found myself in the same trouble.  Instead of the usual page when I pressed 'compose' there was again the same difficulty and the same question after my struggling.   Did it go or not?    I just marked myself off as many do as just stupid.      Well it could be explained by my stupidity and a brighter guy could have shown me the way.

The next day something happened which was beyond even my stupidity.    I got the E-news from the Cathedral and read it.  Again there were the bishop's exhortations and accounts of so many wonderful things happening in the diocese.   It was a pleasure to read, except for one article.   This was an alleged quote from Pope Francis quoting traditionalists as narrow and selfish people who do a great deal of harm to the Church.   This of course put me into a bad mood and I growled for the rest of the day.   This morning I decided to make comment upon it and went to the e-newsletter and went through the articles again.   But this is what puzzled me.   The same E-news letter I had read yesterday on my computer, did not have this article today.    So here am I left in a lonely place.   Supposing having read that article yesterday I had reacted violently and wrote on my blog something like "damn the diocese, damn the bishop, and damn you all"

The lesson for goodly people is beware of the devil on the internet.   Pray always to Jesus and Mary and St Rafael before you start anything.    The Devil knows how to use everything for evil.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary always be with us.


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