What does 'Thy Kingdom Come' Mean.
I welcomed the Pentecost letter from the Bishops of England with some reservations. Yes we have much to do to protect the planet God has given us to live in, but some of the solutions I have heard from politicians make me uncomfortable, the 'freeing of women' in the third world has many good points, yes they should be educated and pursue their destiny, yes there should be no marriage of children, but it is what is called 'healthcare provision' I have difficulty with. The forcing of contraceptives and abortion are covered with this so called 'healthcare' and it is pushed as a way of forcing down the population of the earth because too many people breathe in oxygen and give out the 'deadly' carbon. But let us look more closely at what has happened to the Western World.
One thing Jesus Christ preached against with no equivocations is divorce. He hated the idea Even the innocent in a divorce was forbidden to remarry. He also taught against adultery and taught purity. I was reading of a preacher who was preaching on marriage in the UK recently. He did not talk about LGBT, he just talked about Christ and Marriage and suddenly policemen arrived pulled him of the step ladder he was on, he was kicked by one officer, then led away to spend the night in prison. He had upset the feelings of some and they had complained. Now a constant theme in my blog is the harm done by safe sex teaching in schools. I complained that it may stop a pupil becoming pregnant at school, but what about their lives when they leave? Breaking in the news now is the story form many underaged schoolgirls that they had been raped by the boys in the school. Does it matter in these circumstances if the boy used a condom, safe sex, so should they be complaining? Much more worrying is the number of girls who do not complain because 'they are doing nothing wrong'. Do you remember the rape gang in Rotherham? They were using girls who were in care and Social Workers knew about it But in the 'independent review' not a word about Social Services was uttered, it just concentrated on religious organisations and the one institution where more rapes take place than all these religious organisations together, Social Service Childrens' Homes were ignored.
Some of these children are lucky and do meet a young men who respects them. But far too many are used and abused, end up as single mothers, and their children become emotionally disturbed because they have no father, and the mothers, and God bless many of them for their good work, end up with the poverty that politicians use as a weapon. They need more money, they need more attention, but the one thing they need is ignored - they need love. The children need the love of a father and a mother, as I said many times so that the children in experiencing their love know the kind of person they want to be their partner. You see what Christ was teaching was that a society that builds itself on the blocks of family life, is the kind of society that finds peace and contentment. But breaking up family life by following Marx and Engels, who opposed marriage for they claimed it enslaved women brings us a society where drugs, suicide among the young, sexual acts for mere pleasure, are out of control, and where sexual deviancy and I will dare point it out, transgenderism, are on the increase and violence is part of every day life with discontented black youths from single parent families are knifing one another. It does not take much working out that Secularism is a force for evil.
So I began with Jesus Christ. Christians are supposed to be following Him. Have you met a priest who will tell you such things as I have described do not really matter to him. As long as we love one another. In other words he does not really mean it when every Sunday he says ' Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven'.
Mother Mary pray for us.
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