The Feast of St Pope Paul VI, the wonderful saint who tried to protect Catholic Moral Teaching.

 Today according to my pc programme Universalis is the feast of St Paul VI.    I just wonder in how many countries and Catholic Churches this will be noted.   Paul VI hurt the feelings of so many catholics in the Western World by daring to oppose contraception and artificial birth control.    That everything he pointed out contraception would lead to did indeed come true is not the concern of the modernist Church that has failed entirely to keep its youth and certainly in England was 'rescued' from closing churches as the congregations got fewer and fewer, by immigrants from Europe, Africa, and Asia.   Although at that time of Humanae Vitae I was certainly not living a saintly life, I recognised that the Church could not change its teachings for I was recognising the break down in the moral life that the sexual revolution had brought with it.    No, there was not a society of puritans in the UK, but at least the fact that it was condemned by culture and sex was not something to boast about, made the young people cautious in their relationships and there was no acceptance that a woman was just a body to be used, and men had a right to use it, and women were there to enjoy it.    

St Paul VI recognised all this, and pointed out that artificial contraception would lead to the breakdown of family life and marriage and lead on to a desire to free women from the slavery of innocence to the killing of babies in the womb.     And what a sad society we have become!    My blog for many years now has spoken out on these issues.   I did not just lay down the rules and shout that society has gone wrong,     I have pointed out the children with no father who have grown up with difficulties.    I have pointed out what has been recently on the news the schoolchildren now claiming to have been raped by schoolboys and posed the question but what about the ones who did not report rape.   I have pointed out the lot of teenage children being brought up by Social Services where the staff just give them contraception and believe they are doing a good job.

The one place that children should be receiving help from is a Church founded by Jesus Christ who made it clear that adultery was wrong and marriage was a life time commitment.    Alas there are no teachings on this subject being preached.     We do not want to hurt someone's feelings.    I used to talk for the Society for the Protection of Children at Masses.    I always started by acknowledging that there would be people in the Church who would find my talk uncomfortable, but told them that they too were victims of abortion and I would never judge them,    Priests can talk about morals from the pulpit, and if they are attacked then the judgment of Christ will be on their accusers, their role is not popularity but the truth that Christ taught, and if they cannot preach and be unpopular they will have to pray for the courage.

There are those who will sneer if you us Natural Family Planning.   It has advanced rapidly and there is no need for a thermometer in the mouth.   You can get your temperature in so many ways within seconds.   There are thousands of Catholics who use it.   Why not ask one of them to speak at Mass?

Pray for me,       


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