Some thoughts on the Coming of the Holy Spirit.

 Tomorrow we will be celebrating the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven which will lead us into the preparation for Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down on the Apostles and they, filled with the gifts of that Spirit, came out of hiding to fearlessly proclaim the truth and the teachings of Christ.    The Church asks us to prepare ourselves for that coming, by prayers and Novenas to the Holy Spirit.    Yet the time fills me with sadness, for many seem to have disconnected themselves with the Spirit of Truth, the truth that Jesus taught and was to fill the world with Peace.    I remember when instead of the Faith being taught by bishops and priests, lay 'experts' from Universities and Colleges were sent round the parishes teaching as total denial of Catholicism.   An example that hurt me was when I found myself on a Catechetical course which I was not meant to be on and was not chosen but landed up there nevertheless.     We were told that Vatican II had stated that all Churches contained part of the truth and so there was no claim anymore that the Catholic Church was the one true Church.    But at the end of the course one person who had been misled by it all, almost stamped her feet as she vigorously said "The Church will have to change its teachings on Divorce, Abortion, and Contraception"    The 'expert' smiled approvingly and another lady turned to me and said "It is the Holy Spirit".   That is now what many in the Church see as the coming of the Holy Spirit.    A justification for their own views and their own idea of Church, and their hearts are closed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and year after year they never change and like the bad apple in the barrel they destroy the faith of other people.    The truth is that if you do not know Jesus Christ then how can you follow him, how can you accept his words in scripture, how can you talk about truth?   The structure that Jesus gave us is that he would call good men to be our shepherds, to teach us the truth, that is what he instructed the chosen shepherds to do in Matthew 28, "Go therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to OBSERVE all I have commanded you...."

So let me challenge those shepherds to lead their sheep as Christ has commanded them to do.   Christ was removed as Head of the Church when there was a move by 'hirelings' to remove the reserved hosts from the altar.   They made false claims that we were not meant to adore Jesus, but if the host is the Flesh of Jesus as was taught in the times of the Apostles, does humility before God not demand that we kneel and adore him.   If some are hurt by my question let them reply then by tellling me the source of their teachings.    Who told them to remove the Blessed Sacrament to separate side altars, to side rooms , or to disguise him in some artifact which is not a tabernacle?   If you are going to teach your flock about the Holy Spirit, then give them the answer.    Yes some species are left on the altar but not in a tabernacle but a safe.    The message is that they are there for safekeeping till they are distributed at the next Mass, but they are not to be adored.    I started this article by saying that there are those who do not know Jesus and therefore find it difficult to accept His truth.    When every Church has a tabernacle again and everyone again kneels before the Blessed Sacrament then we will be able to win back our young people for they will feel the presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit within them.   Come Holy Ghost, Creator come......




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