The Appalling Slaughter of Babies in Abortion

 Have you ever heard a pregnant woman being asked how her fetus is doing.    Or when she goes for an early scan to look inside her womb did you hear of a doctor saying.   "Now what you may see does look like a baby, but remember it is not yet human, and so it is still a fetus".    I have not heard of such things being said in the real world.   There is never any doubt or questioning in the real world that a pregnant woman is carrying a baby.   Now in the past it should be acknowledged that where there was poverty the coming of a new baby and another mouth to feed often put a terrible burden on a woman.   Desperate mothers went to women who claimed to be able to stop the child growing and putting an end to the pregnancy by abortion, or the killing of the unborn.  Too often it went wrong and women died as a result.  So abortion was illegal.   But gradually with the New Health Service and the availability of good medicine figures of death began to drop and indeed such deaths disappeared in the late fifties.   But a new demand for abortion started as a result of the sexual revolution.    Contraceptives seemed to free women from the need for chastity and they began to seek and enjoy sex with men just as keenly as men sought sex with women.   It was called equality.   Persuasion was no longer needed for a man to have his way.   But contraceptives often failed and sometimes in the heat of the moment when contraceptives were not available the risks were taken and the woman still ended pregnant.   The solution to this problem was seen as abortion.   A vocal minority of women pressured politicians, shouted in the streets, and demanded the 'right to abortion', caring not for the right of the child, which at this early stage was just apparently a 'mass of cells'.  A Bill was passed in the late 60's which allowed abortion in five circumstances, the last named was the health of the woman.   Well the abortionists soon used that to their advantage and despite the protests from Government that we did not have abortion on demand we soon very much had.    It is an irony that this law still stands, and the abortionists seem to have forgotten this, as they scream and shout about the hard cases which necessitate abortion, even though these hard cases only affect about 5 per cent of abortions and the rest, the 95 per cent are simply abortion on demand.   So they spread the hardship of the 5 per cent in order to free up abortion on demand for the 95 per cent.    It is clever, and if it was not for the support in the media for 'the right to abortion' it would have been exposed a long time ago.

But where are we today.   Well the abortion women were well organised and in no time at all they had taken over the United Nations and many aid groups who apart from their charity work feel compelled to offer abortion as a way of life to the poor countries of the world, naming it as the proper education of women.   When Adolf Hitler put forward his final solution for a superior Arian race, apart from deciding that the Jews were not human, so they could be put to death, he also had German hospitals on watch to ensure that any baby born with a deformity must not be kept alive.   So German parents were informed that many babies had died at childbirth.   It was cruel and evil, and condemned by the free world.   But now in America the new Government has decided to introduce Abortion up to birth.    This has brought an interesting reaction from Republican states, and probably the first move against the evil power of abortionists.   They have decided to stop abortion when they hear a heartbeat from the child, the heartbeat of a separate being from the mother.   Of course this has caused outrage and will not doubt reach the headlines.   The BBC this morning had a Democrat ranting about it and telling the listeners that this has meant that women will have to travel to another state to rid themselves of an unwanted baby, no, she did not use those words, she just said an abortion.    She also made this curious remark.  "It seems that the unborn are getting more rights than the mother".   Now there is an ascendency of rights among human beings but at the very top we have the American Constitution,   'All men are born equal and with certain inalienable rights among which are the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS'      Of course if we take away humanity of the child then the child becomes a........ What does the child become.   O yes, a fetus.    


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