The Place of Dogma
I received a comment from an unknown source who signed herself Victoria. If indeed Victoria is her name I cannot but commend her for her fervour and devotion as she tries to spread her vision of the Catholic Faith. She has a passion for Dogma, and that she claims is the one thing that matters, all we have to do is teach Dogma. She goes on to say that I should not be part of the Vatican II cult but join the real Catholic Church, which she fails to point out to me. She further comments that only if you are part of the Dogmatic Church can you be saved.
Now Vatican II was orchestrated in such a way that the majority of bishops who attended left with no knowledge that anything had changed in the Church. Indeed I heard a talk on a reel tape from Cardinal Heenan, whose comments were about German Bishops standing up to oppose the cult of the Virgin Mary. He did hot know the Mass was being changed from Latin into the vernacular. No, all these changes came from corrupt bishops in the Vatican. But there began a great enthusiasm for the German bishops, and the book of one German writer was enthusiastically read at meetings in my parish. How were they to know that even at that time the German Church had emptied and only the tax system of the German Government kept them going. You declare on a tax form you are Catholic and the Government sends part of your tax to the Catholic Church, even though you never attend. But the faith of millions of Catholics throughout the word remained steadfast, so the Roman Church is still the Church of Jesus Christ and his dogmas. Its teachings have not changed despite the attempts of the infiltrators to destroy them.
Now I am still in the Catholic Church because of the faith of these Catholics. And although I face at times some persecution and write this blog which has a modest following though not in my own diocese, I stand shoulder to shoulder with the dogmas of the Church, but I go much further than my critic Victoria. I try to show that the dogmas are not just rules we must follow or believe, they have an application in every day life. So I point out from within the Church how the local Church as failed to inform young people how the sin of adultery has destroyed he lives of young people and broken up marriages. How a lack of responsibility in sex has led to women being used and abandoned by men leading to a growth of single mothers and abortions. I am not a scholar or highly educated person, I just look at what is happening and give the Christian point of view. I have found that much more helpful. I do have a growing support in my community and I thank God for it. Just saying 'you must believe these dogma or you will go to hell is not enough, Victoria. We must live the life that the Dogmas teach us. I should also say that St Pius X in his Catechism taught that if someone was ignorant of the Catholic Faith through 'no fault of their own' they could be admitted to heaven. You will find and article on this in a previous blog. God bless you,
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