
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Feast of St Pope Paul VI, the wonderful saint who tried to protect Catholic Moral Teaching.

 Today according to my pc programme Universalis is the feast of St Paul VI.    I just wonder in how many countries and Catholic Churches this will be noted.   Paul VI hurt the feelings of so many catholics in the Western World by daring to oppose contraception and artificial birth control.    That everything he pointed out contraception would lead to did indeed come true is not the concern of the modernist Church that has failed entirely to keep its youth and certainly in England was 'rescued' from closing churches as the congregations got fewer and fewer, by immigrants from Europe, Africa, and Asia.   Although at that time of Humanae Vitae I was certainly not living a saintly life, I recognised that the Church could not change its teachings for I was recognising the break down in the moral life that the sexual revolution had brought with it.    No, there was not a society of puritans in the UK, but at least the fact that it was con...

What does 'Thy Kingdom Come' Mean.

 I welcomed the Pentecost letter from the Bishops  of  England with some reservations.   Yes we have much to do to protect the planet God has given us to live in, but some of the solutions I have heard from politicians make me uncomfortable, the 'freeing of women' in the third world has many good points, yes they should be educated and pursue their destiny, yes there should be no marriage of children, but it is what is called 'healthcare provision' I have difficulty with.   The forcing of contraceptives and abortion are covered with this so called 'healthcare' and it is pushed as a way of forcing down the population of the earth because too many people breathe in oxygen and give out the 'deadly' carbon.    But let us look more closely at what has happened to the Western World. One thing Jesus Christ preached against with no equivocations is divorce.   He hated the idea    Even the innocent in a divorce was forbidden to rem...

The Appalling Slaughter of Babies in Abortion

 Have you ever heard a pregnant woman being asked how her fetus is doing.    Or when she goes for an early scan to look inside her womb did you hear of a doctor saying.   "Now what you may see does look like a baby, but remember it is not yet human, and so it is still a fetus".    I have not heard of such things being said in the real world.   There is never any doubt or questioning in the real world that a pregnant woman is carrying a baby.   Now in the past it should be acknowledged that where there was poverty the coming of a new baby and another mouth to feed often put a terrible burden on a woman.   Desperate mothers went to women who claimed to be able to stop the child growing and putting an end to the pregnancy by abortion, or the killing of the unborn.  Too often it went wrong and women died as a result.  So abortion was illegal.   But gradually with the New Health Service and the availability ...

Some thoughts on the Coming of the Holy Spirit.

 Tomorrow we will be celebrating the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven which will lead us into the preparation for Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down on the Apostles and they, filled with the gifts of that Spirit, came out of hiding to fearlessly proclaim the truth and the teachings of Christ.    The Church asks us to prepare ourselves for that coming, by prayers and Novenas to the Holy Spirit.    Yet the time fills me with sadness, for many seem to have disconnected themselves with the Spirit of Truth, the truth that Jesus taught and was to fill the world with Peace.    I remember when instead of the Faith being taught by bishops and priests, lay 'experts' from Universities and Colleges were sent round the parishes teaching as total denial of Catholicism.   An example that hurt me was when I found myself on a Catechetical course which I was not meant to be on and was not chosen but landed up there nevertheless.     We were ...

The Place of Dogma

 I received a comment from an unknown source who signed herself Victoria.   If indeed Victoria is her name I cannot but commend her for her fervour and devotion as she tries to spread her vision of the Catholic Faith.    She has a passion for Dogma, and that she claims is the one thing that matters,  all we have to do is teach Dogma.   She goes on to say that I should not be part of the Vatican II cult but join the real Catholic Church, which she fails to point out to me.    She further comments that only if you are part of the Dogmatic Church can you be saved.    Now Vatican II was orchestrated in such a way that the majority of bishops who attended left with no knowledge that anything had changed in the Church.   Indeed I heard a talk on a reel tape from Cardinal Heenan, whose comments were about German Bishops standing up to oppose the cult of the Virgin Mary.     He did hot know the Mass was being c...

The Horror behind the Housing Shortage.

 I was once a Councillor in my local Council.   I remember when I was first elected I was appointed to Housing and got myself into trouble.   The Housing Director furnished us all with statistics for the past month.    Trying to catch the eye as a newcomer I asked quite innocently "You state here that the number of couples and single parents with children seeking homes is 460 (I cannot remember the exact number), could you break that down.   How many couples and how many single parents"   The Director nearly dropped off his chair.  "I have never been asked that before, in a very offended way",    "Look it up in the library" another distressed councillor shouted.    I was going to answer that no one had told me that there were questions you must not ask, but this would have caused further offense.    Some things are left best alone.   Of course it is understandable.   If people l...