The Feast of St Pope Paul VI, the wonderful saint who tried to protect Catholic Moral Teaching.
Today according to my pc programme Universalis is the feast of St Paul VI. I just wonder in how many countries and Catholic Churches this will be noted. Paul VI hurt the feelings of so many catholics in the Western World by daring to oppose contraception and artificial birth control. That everything he pointed out contraception would lead to did indeed come true is not the concern of the modernist Church that has failed entirely to keep its youth and certainly in England was 'rescued' from closing churches as the congregations got fewer and fewer, by immigrants from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Although at that time of Humanae Vitae I was certainly not living a saintly life, I recognised that the Church could not change its teachings for I was recognising the break down in the moral life that the sexual revolution had brought with it. No, there was not a society of puritans in the UK, but at least the fact that it was con...