The Challenge for the Church after Lockdown.
As we come out of lockdown, those of a Marxist view are talking about building a new society, a society where there would be no more poverty and inequality, and of course the rich would pay their fair share, and everything would be wonderful since everyone would conform to what the Government laid down. to help individual freedom, babies would continue to be killed in their woman and called, and called nothing of course, since a human being in the womb does not exist. Marriage would continue to be allowed, but individual freedom within marriage would be applauded as a personal right. "No hard feelings, dear" The harm done to children by this in their material and emotional development will continue to be ignored.
There is little hope for the children of today as they grow up in a society which ignores their personal feelings. But can they turn to anyone? And when children even from the natural family find themselves in situations where boys sexually abuse them, use their bodies, and then cast them aside in favour of another victim who is there to help? Treated like prostitutes, they begin to think very little of themselves. But nobody even notices. After all the clever girls use contraceptives.
It is an incredible picture, but what makes it worse is that the followers of a man called Jesus Christ, who taught against sex outside of marriage, who taught against divorce and the abandonment of a wife and family, is praised and honoured, but on his teachings is totally ignored. A brave few try to follow him but are resented by the new modern 'we have moved forward' cult.
It is fine for the Catholic Church to welcome newcomers into the Church after the pandemic. But in reality what do they have to offer young people. Ninety five per cent of pupils, at a conservative estimate, who attend Catholic Schools have lapsed as soon as the enter their teens, and they are the ones who allegedly have had a Catholic Education. If it had not been for immigration from Asia and Europe many of our churches in the UK would have had to close by now.
But here I go again - complaining. What good do I do. I should just leave it to God. The difficulty is that I believe that God has left it to us, his children to solve the problem by not allowing heresy to grow in our midst. Silence is assent, and an indication that everyone is happy. Error not resisted destroys faith, and becomes the norm.
So it is fine to ask people to join our happy little community. We do some very good work,. But unless we tell them about Jesus in a Catholic context, unless we tell children that His teachings will help them, and the sacraments will help them overcome the powerful emotions they feel, unlews we tell them most of all about the presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, the treasure that the Catholic Church has, we will fight a losing battle.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus I implore, the grace to love you daily more and more.
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