I started up my blog and was determined after prayer to write a blog on the responsibilities of being a Catholic. I went to Amazon first however and remembered there was a recent film advertised on Fatima. So I typed in Fatima. Up came a recent film called Fatima and I downloaded it.
Fatima is the place where in 1917 Our Lady either appeared to three children, the oldest being 10, or she did not appear and these children were the greatest swindlers in the world, conjuring up illusions and magic to a crowd of over 70,000 people. I prefer the first explanation since the second one is rather absurd. The event in question was how on the 13th October when people came to see a miracle that had been previously announced, they saw the sun dance in the sky then fall to earth, and when the crowd were screaming the sun stopped falling, and went back to its place, Meanwhile the soaking over overnight rain on the soil, which had been turned into mud suddenly dried up. There was no one in that crowd who disputed the facts afterwards. Papers hostile to religion simply stated the facts without any comment.
We can conclude therefore that something exceptional had happened, and that the children were telling the truth that Mary had indeed came from Heaven and verified the that she had indeed told the children of the calamities to come upon earth unless enough people repented and said the Rosasry for the conversion of Russia, the first nation that had rejected God and persecuted everyone who believed in him. She also spoke of the end of the First World War, and it would soon end, but unless people turned to God a greater war would break out. She told the children that many souls were going to hell because of the sins of the flesh. There were many other prophecies she told but let us move on to what Fatima means today.
There is a new tolerance of religion appearing in Russia at the present time although it is still at its heart a dictatorship. Churches are beginning to open. So the conversion of Russia is well on its way but it has spread its atheism to the once Christian West where the Church is now facing persecution from the Marxist Left who hate her just as much as the revolutionaries of Russia did. Marriage abortion, the sexual permissiveness of the new generation leading to single parent poverty and children whose fathers have abandoned them growing up lost and confused but merely called disadvantaged in a monetary sense and their real needs ignored, means they are just political pawns in a power struggle where like Russia, Cuba, China, and other communist countries the real needs of the people are ignored, and always this socialism fails because the rulers have no understanding that people have spiritual needs that Communism does not understand, because these needs come from God and his Son, Jesus Christ, who know what is good for people is doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong. God made the rules, communists did not,
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Please say the Rosary,
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