Doing battle with Feminists
The recent attack and murder of a young lady on her way home was as very brutal affair, but the reaction from the secular state in damning all men and suggesting they should be put off the streets at 6 pm shows how little they understand about the good in people and the evil in people and how little they understand about morality and doing what is right against doing what is wrong. Animal behaviour is predictable but human behaviour is not, for unlike the animal humans can make a choice as to how they behave in any situation, will they act to satisfy themselves, and whether it brings harm to someone else does not matter. These choices as regards sexual behaviour now abound in our society. How easy it is for men to find sexual satisfaction since the sex revolution, and the teaching in schools on safe sex and the right to say no. Such things are applauded by society, yet the more experts we have teaching this, the worse the problem becomes. Young people should be taught boundaries and not choice. A young girl is looking for affection from a young boy. She wants to be seen as attractive and loved. A boy makes the signals she wants and he talks her into sex, perhaps she does not want this, but the boy loves her. So as the teacher says she says yes, and lthe boy hashis way Perhaps a few dates later she is what is called 'dumped'. She realises then she was only a body he wanted to use, and he never had commitment to her. Nevertheless the dates go on and she is hurt time and again. Then she falls pregnant. What can she do? O good the state will allow you to kill the baby while it is in the womb You just train yourself into thinking it is not a baby. Or perhaps the boy will offer to support her. No way is he going to live with her and the child he created while using her body. More often than not the support does not come. So we now have a single mother struggling to give her child the things that children of a two parent family have. But with being there for the children and working, not in high career jobs that feminists usually talk about but shelf filling in a supermarket, or cleaning offices and toilets, they are glibly called by politicians the poor, and of course they are going to be taken out of poverty. But let us not blame the sexual revolution and the destruction of marriage, they are just another type of family. What dishonesty! More often than not the children of single mother families grow up with emotional problems which dominate their lives, and I have found in many single parent families the children themselves, having missed out in fathering, become single parents themselves. Deep relationships with men are very difficult.
So what are the champions of women rights doing to help in the situation? Are they fighting for the family? Are they recognising that the battle for human rights for women were lost at the Sexual revolution? Do they recognise the poverty of single parent families? Do they even see that there is a difference between a father and a mother as perceived by children?
I was listening to a report on BBC this morning where some statistics company had found that when there is a crisis in the family and the choice was between the father going to work or the mother in the majority of cases it was the father who went to work even though the mother earned more money. This was not understood by the BBC news person who went on to complain that the women obviously did not understand their job prospects would be harmed, their pensions would be affected, it was all so wrong. She never thought to ask what the children felt about the problem. But they did not account. It is all about a woman's career not about the children.
I have raised many issues here Many will disagree with my point of view. But perhaps the problem is that they have never heard these issues discussed. Black lives matter, white lives matter, and children's lives matter.
Mary Mother of all children, pray for us.
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