This is the ruin of the entrance to Walsingham Abbey. We sere hoping to find it but all attention was on the church of the Annunciation and the Walsingham Shrine. There is a strange happening attached to our finding it. There was a road leading from the back of the Pilgrims Bureau which we were told would lead to a junction at the top and on turning left we could follow a road and then a track which led to the Catholic Shrine. They called it the Holy Mile. We got there OK. It was on our return when we were thinking of finding the ruins that something strange happened. As we walked along we expected to come across the road leading down to the Pilgrims Bureau again. It was a wide road for cars coming in both directions. Hardly a turning we could miss. The strange thing is that we did as even my son Andrew who was our leader will testify to. We eventually came to a turning which led down to the end of the village. We came across a little square where buses stop and there was the Red Bull pub. We deliberated whether to have a meal there or go back to our rooms. We were unaware that there was a door a few yards away which was the entrance to the Shire Hall Museum. WE turned to go home then Andrew read a notice we had passed but ignored before. Entrance to the Abbey Ruins is round the corner at the Shire Hall Museum. The notice was above an ancient stone wall, and we should have on previous occasions enquired. The nest day while the boys had a day off Una and I went to the Museum and gained entry to the grounds where this remainder of the Abbey entrance stood. There were other parts of the runs left standing also. The grass you see in front of the 'entrance' was the ground excavated in 1961 which was the Abbey floor. So we were standing on consecrated ground. It was a beautiful day and we said the Rosary no doubt joined by the thousands of pilgrims of old. We felt a wonderful peace. This is where the pilgrims had come from the Slipper Chappel to beg Mary to bring them closer to Jesus. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, The Word Made Flesh by the womb of Mary must be at the very heart of any Marian Shrine, for Mary seeks no glory for herself. How many Masses are said here, how many Rosaries are offered? This is the true Shrine of Our LADY OF WALSINGHAM..
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