The Eucharistic Congress and Adoration

I did not attend the Eucharist Congress in Liverpool so I only know what went on from reports I have heard.   Many topics seem to have been covered and on the Blessed Sacrament there seems to have been a positive outcome in so far as I have heard, one report of a catechist deciding to teach children Adoration is very welcome.    However since this Congress was centred around the Blessed Sacrament will we find priests and bishops going back to their dioceses to put the Blessed Sacrament back at the centre of our altars and at the centre of our Faith?

Adoration is at the very heart of the Catholic Faith because we believe in the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ being present in the Sacred Species.   That is the authoritative teaching of the Catholic Church.   Now when we say we Adore Jesus by kneeling before Him in the Blessed Sacrament we are one of two things.    We are  Idolatosr because we are kneeling and adoring a piece of bread when Adoration belongs to God alone, or what we believe is true and Jesus, the God Made Man, is indeed there under the appearance of bread and worthy to be adored.   As Vatican II said "the Sacred Species is worthy of the Adoration due to God"

But if we believe the Sacred Species is worthy of the Adoration due to God then what an awesome belief this is.    The Very God who made us is present in our Churches as God-Made-Man.   Jesus Christ is there as the Head of His Body the Church ready to guide each individual and to guide any community which is truly the Mystical Body of Christ, that is that the person of Jesus is so much part of them that He uses their gifts to spread the Gospel.  It is not a real presence but a Mystical Presence.  In the past before they undertook any work or made any decisions Catholic would kneel before Him and seek his guidance.   They would talk to Him about their problems, they would learn to reach out to that Love in the Tabernacle and let that love reach back to them.    It is the most wonderful gift that God has given to mankind and yet there were those who threw the Tabernacle into corners or removed him to another room in a parish Church where He was out of sight and out of mind.    But in doing this, how can they profess to believe in the Blessed Sacrament.   They are truly guilty of blasphemy.    And why did they do it in the first place -they believed in Ecumenism, but an Ecumenism without faith, where truth can be abandoned for the sake of unity.   Yet in fifty years the Ecumenical Movement has failed miserably yet they, having moved themselves from Catholic truth, still are lost in their ideals and still try to destroy Catholic beliefs.    May God forgive them.

They are false leaders who are like lost children crying out their false teachings but refusing to examine themselves.    We must pray for them.


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