Rebecca Hamilton Speaks for Me.
It is a horrible moment when you look into another human being’s eyes and Satan looks back at you. It is a faith-destroying moment when those eyes belong to a man wearing a Roman collar.
But just as Satan is real, and more often than not walks into our lives on two feet, the Holy Eucharist is real and comes to us from the hands of a priest. When those priestly hands belong to an apostle of Satan, it’s a crazy-making thing.
But don’t let it make you crazy. The wheat and the tares, the good and the bad, the evil and the holy, will live side by side in this world until Christ comes again. Jesus told us this Himself.
I will not leave the Church because Jesus is really and truly present, under the appearances of bread and wine, and I can touch him. I will not be a fool for corrupt men in collars. But I will stay.
Because the Holy Eucharist is Jesus. And I will not leave Jesus.
The above is a quote from Rebecca Hamilton of the National Catholic Register and it sums up where I stand also, or should I say kneel also, before the Substantial Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. As I have said in many of my blogs the Substantial Real Presence of Jesus means just that. It is not a Spiritual Presence as some like to argue, the teachings of the Church is clear. We do not have two parts of the Mass where one is as important as the other, Jesus in Scripture is a Spiritual Presence but Jesus in the Consecrated Host is a real substantial presence. It is Jesus and He is the whole of the Mass.
The article Rebecca wrote was on the present abuse scandals in the Church which far from subsiding is going to get much worse as Courts in different States in America take the Church to task and their probes will reach Rome itself. It is not my business on my blog to start a 'blame game' but if the Church is to survive, we must no longer look upon the Church as just as a human institution with rules to bend and break. It is rather the place where Jesus lives and pours out his love from his humanity in the Blessed Sacrament. Tis above all we must believe.
This truth for too long has ben hidden from the faithful in many parts of the Church with respect for the Blessed Sacrament being diminished by deceit and dishonesty. But if we are to survive this crisis we must get back to basics and the basics of our Faith is the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.. Nothing less will do. Only He can heal the Church. Devotion must be encouraged in every Parish. Frequent visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle, placed as the Head of the Church should be at the centre of our altars, should be encouraged in every Parish. We had gone past the time for debate, we must take up again the truth and live it.
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