Cardinal Heenan; HIs Prophecy and his Betrayal.
I was just a young man in my early twenties when a priest who had learned I could write shorthand asked me to write out a talk by Cardinal Heenan to the priests of his Westminster Diocese and send it to another priest. The talk was on one of those tape to tape reels. This was about 1966 and he was talking about his recent experience of the Vatican Council II. Now I had had a good Catholic Education and believed in the unity of the Catholic Faith but for the first time I was shocked. It was not because of the Latin Mass being replaced, because the bishops had never discussed the matter, but deceit and dishonesty were becoming common in the Church. The Cardinal was unaware of this at the time. What he did say that shocked me was that at the beginning of the Council a Document on the Virgin Mary was to he introduced but was bitterly opposed by certain European Bishops, mostly German. They cried out "THIS WILL PUT THE ECUMENCAL MOVEMENT BACK 10 YEARS" An unprepared assembly of bishops agreed, but later in the Council they insisted that the cult of Mary should be placed in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. Cardinal Heenan pointed out that in the period of Hitler and the War, the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church had been thrown into each others arms because of their common persecution. Yes, they had become good friends and an Ecumenical Movement had started. But it had quickly gone off the rails. Ecumenism does not mean one Faith sacrificing its beliefs for another Faith, it is built on respect for each others right to believe, a principal which has been so ignored in England that the Ecumenical Moment has gone nowhere.
The Cardinal warned the priests "If you stop devotion to Mary, you will stop devotion to the Blessed Sacrament" How little I knew that these words would dominate my life and lead to what I can only call persecution, as I saw before by eyes the truth of what he said as the years rolled on and I dared to object. But they did not have it all their ow way. Faithful Catholics continued Rosary Groups in their parishes, and some managed to keep Adoration going, though I know of parishes where this was forbidden outright. Perhaps that is why the 'Basilica' at Walsingham has to allow people to talk to Jesus and adore Jesus at least in some part of their programme before his is put behind the wall again. The absence of teaching in Catholic Schools about a God they could talk to, who had become man, and had the feelings they felt, had cried the tears that they sometimes cried, who was all human and wanted to relate to them as a human, this absence means God is missing in their lives, and they are left to relate to an abstract God, or read Scripture and choose a God in their own image and likeness as 25,000 Chrjistian cuts have done. False Christs are everywhere.
For the past 50 years I have watched this prophecy of Cardinal Heenan being fulfilled. The Rosaryand other 'childish'devotions were stopped. in Catholic schools and indeed many statues of Mary were removed. First Communion programmes were constructed which never mentioned Mary as the Mother of the Blessed Sacrament. Then Altar rails were smashed so that there was no kneeling for Communion. Then the Tabernacles were removed from many of our altars and put in a corner or in the another room. Christ who should have been the centre of our Faith was to take no further part in it. Yes, we could pray to Jesus the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity but not to Jesus, the God made Man. After all Jesus as God was everywhere, he was in Scripture, he was among two or three people gathered together, but as the Penny Catechism taught "As God Jesus Christ is everywhere, but as God Made Man he is in Heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Little wonder the Penny Catechism also had to go.
But how could a heresy like this spread so quickly. Cardinal Heenan started a College, Corpus Christi College in Westminster to teach all the positive new things the Bishops had decided at the Vatican Council. But he put in charge a man who was dedicated to everything the German bishops had stood for in Vatican II. He was a Reformer and started Reforming the Church with the approval of bishops other than the Cardinal. Representatives from other Dioceses were invited to attend, teachers, administrators, parish leaders, priests, and they were filled with a chalice of poison which they were told was mature, adult, and 'a religion for today' Many informed people complained to the Cardinal but he was too trusting of the man he had appointed and of course there were other bishops in England who had been appointed by the infiltrators in Romei, communists and Freemasons, who were just to eager to put the Anti-Christ into action and demolish the standing of Jesus in the Church, and then with love for him lost they could then change his teachings. One thing above all they could rely on and that was the love that the Catholic Community had for its priests, so there was no listening to troublemakers in the Church who tried to point out that this was not how it should be. Of course the teachings of Christ on Divorce, the encouragement of contraceptives and adultery among the young leading to the break up of the family unit, and thousands of young people growing up feeling loved and unwanted, and following the previous generations in abortion or single motherhood was all welcomed or ignored. It was all so human. But there were good priests who tried to keep alive the Latin Mass but many were forbidden by their bishops or even threatened by their bishops. The Result of the removal of the Latin Mass was that thousands left the Church almost overnight. The Latin Mass had been an anchor because it taught clearly that the people were attending a Sacrifice and all the focus was on that Sacrifice and their worthiness to receive Holy Communion, but that was all 'updated'' Catholics had been raised in schools to know every part of the Mass, but it was useful to tell the lie that they were just dummies at Mass. Ask someone next Sunday why they go to Mass?
I was therefore outraged when I visited what purported to be a Marian Shrine and found that Jesus had been treated in the modern way as a nothing.and had been put in a hole in the wall. This of course would stop devotion to Mary becoming a revival point for devotion to her Son in the Blessed Sacrament. It was an insult to Jesus and to Mary and belittles the Shrine at Walsingham.
Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
The Cardinal warned the priests "If you stop devotion to Mary, you will stop devotion to the Blessed Sacrament" How little I knew that these words would dominate my life and lead to what I can only call persecution, as I saw before by eyes the truth of what he said as the years rolled on and I dared to object. But they did not have it all their ow way. Faithful Catholics continued Rosary Groups in their parishes, and some managed to keep Adoration going, though I know of parishes where this was forbidden outright. Perhaps that is why the 'Basilica' at Walsingham has to allow people to talk to Jesus and adore Jesus at least in some part of their programme before his is put behind the wall again. The absence of teaching in Catholic Schools about a God they could talk to, who had become man, and had the feelings they felt, had cried the tears that they sometimes cried, who was all human and wanted to relate to them as a human, this absence means God is missing in their lives, and they are left to relate to an abstract God, or read Scripture and choose a God in their own image and likeness as 25,000 Chrjistian cuts have done. False Christs are everywhere.
For the past 50 years I have watched this prophecy of Cardinal Heenan being fulfilled. The Rosaryand other 'childish'devotions were stopped. in Catholic schools and indeed many statues of Mary were removed. First Communion programmes were constructed which never mentioned Mary as the Mother of the Blessed Sacrament. Then Altar rails were smashed so that there was no kneeling for Communion. Then the Tabernacles were removed from many of our altars and put in a corner or in the another room. Christ who should have been the centre of our Faith was to take no further part in it. Yes, we could pray to Jesus the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity but not to Jesus, the God made Man. After all Jesus as God was everywhere, he was in Scripture, he was among two or three people gathered together, but as the Penny Catechism taught "As God Jesus Christ is everywhere, but as God Made Man he is in Heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Little wonder the Penny Catechism also had to go.
But how could a heresy like this spread so quickly. Cardinal Heenan started a College, Corpus Christi College in Westminster to teach all the positive new things the Bishops had decided at the Vatican Council. But he put in charge a man who was dedicated to everything the German bishops had stood for in Vatican II. He was a Reformer and started Reforming the Church with the approval of bishops other than the Cardinal. Representatives from other Dioceses were invited to attend, teachers, administrators, parish leaders, priests, and they were filled with a chalice of poison which they were told was mature, adult, and 'a religion for today' Many informed people complained to the Cardinal but he was too trusting of the man he had appointed and of course there were other bishops in England who had been appointed by the infiltrators in Romei, communists and Freemasons, who were just to eager to put the Anti-Christ into action and demolish the standing of Jesus in the Church, and then with love for him lost they could then change his teachings. One thing above all they could rely on and that was the love that the Catholic Community had for its priests, so there was no listening to troublemakers in the Church who tried to point out that this was not how it should be. Of course the teachings of Christ on Divorce, the encouragement of contraceptives and adultery among the young leading to the break up of the family unit, and thousands of young people growing up feeling loved and unwanted, and following the previous generations in abortion or single motherhood was all welcomed or ignored. It was all so human. But there were good priests who tried to keep alive the Latin Mass but many were forbidden by their bishops or even threatened by their bishops. The Result of the removal of the Latin Mass was that thousands left the Church almost overnight. The Latin Mass had been an anchor because it taught clearly that the people were attending a Sacrifice and all the focus was on that Sacrifice and their worthiness to receive Holy Communion, but that was all 'updated'' Catholics had been raised in schools to know every part of the Mass, but it was useful to tell the lie that they were just dummies at Mass. Ask someone next Sunday why they go to Mass?
I was therefore outraged when I visited what purported to be a Marian Shrine and found that Jesus had been treated in the modern way as a nothing.and had been put in a hole in the wall. This of course would stop devotion to Mary becoming a revival point for devotion to her Son in the Blessed Sacrament. It was an insult to Jesus and to Mary and belittles the Shrine at Walsingham.
Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
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