Who is Responsible for the Catholic Education of your Children?
Who is responsible for the Catholic Education of your children? When I grew up it was assumed that the responsibility lay with the priest and the schools. It seemed to work very well and the parents were satisfied, but then they never questioned what their role was. They took their children to Mass on Sunday, they talked to their children about the saints in heaven, about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and what it meant, they had statues of Mary in their houses, and many said the Rosary. But they never saw this as 'education', that belonged to the educated teachers and priests. But their role as educators was vital. Now that worked really well however when the Church really was a 'community', In many parts of the UK children grew up in the same areas their parents had grown up, their parents had gone to the same schools, their teachers were also living in he same areas and attended and led them in the Sunday Childrens Mass, e...