What are the teachings that Jesus called His Gospel.

When the Reformers took over in the seventies in England there was a great deal of talk about the radical teachings of Jesus as regard to improving the equality of wealth.   Devotions and the Catechism and indeed the spiritual life itself was abandoned in order that the Church could play its part in relieving world poverty as the radical Jesus had apparently taught.   Of course appealing to our common humanity has its merits but soon this approach was not proving as popular among young people as they Reformers had hoped.  Not that they noticed mind you, even although young people were leaving in droves.  What they failed to notice is that the very things Jesus did champion was chastity and the indissolubility of marriage.   Sin was unimportant now since we could all buy our way into heaven by giving to the poor.   Unfortunately it was the children in the parishes they were making poor as marriage collapsed and they did nothing, as chastity destroyed our young people they claimed it did not matter, and in the wake of these things grew up children with no father, sometimes no father and mother.   These children felt the hurt and deprivation of only a mother struggling to keep them in food and clothing, and with no father figure, many grew up to be poor in relationships and became singe mums themselves.   Still the Church watched and did nothing but blamed the secualr state, while  it was obvious that they were the guilty ones.   Had they upheld marriage, had they upheld the teachings of Jesus on marriage, had they taken a stand against promiscuity, had they stood up against abortion we might still have these young people.   But many wanted a Christianity that made them feel good and loving God as Jesus taught them was not for them.    Jesus had no economic plan, Jesus taught us that it is goodness from within the Church that will save the world.  That it is real love from within the Church that will save the world.  It is by respecting the real Jesus of the Gospels and not a Jesus for our times, that will bring peace and spread real love.


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