When the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate were appointed by our Bishop to Gosport they were an order under attacks which reached the level of the Satanic. The media in Italy through every calumny against them which included misusing funds and property, cruelty in their order, rape, and even attempted murder. A judge has recently put their case to the archives saying that there is no evidence whatsoever against them and they have no case to answer Our bishop is to be congratulated for bringing this wonderful order into our Diocese. And now for the good news. Radio Immaculata – “Bringing forth Christ through Mary” launches on 8th December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - an important day for both the Friars and the Diocese.
The Marian Franciscans in Gosport are preparing to launch an all New Internet Radio Station, Radio Immaculata offering a mixture of live broadcasting and audio on-demand. With all kinds of programmes, there should be something for everyone: from music to talk shows, from interesting interviews and stories to meditations and prayers.
To find out how to get involved, or to contribute to funding this exciting new apostolate, email the Friars or call them on 02392 580 119.
Please keep this exciting new initiative in your prayers, that Mary will use this as a beautiful new way to bring Christ into our hearts, for our Diocese and for listeners all over the world.
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