When I read Amoris Laetitia I had no trouble with it. As far as I was concerned I understood what accompanying people who were divorced and remarried really meant. I had a case in my family where my son was living with an already married woman and they had two children together. Could they go to Church? Yes. Should the priest encourage them? Yes. Why? For the sake of the children and as the relationship changed with time they too would find it possible to live as sister and brother. Perhaps I was reading the document with the Church as indeed when young I was encouraged to read the Gospel with the mind of the Church.
Unfortunately there are bishops in the Church who wanted Communion for the Divorced and Remarried. From a human point of view of course it can be seen as caring and compassionate, but we are not part of a human organisation we are following the teachings of Jesus Christ which if implemented could change the word. Jesus wanted a world without divorce and injury to children. What have children got to do with it? A good question. In Amores Laetitia there was a great deal of talk about the psychological damage to children in broken families but I listened to debate after debate and not once did anyone seem to give a damn about the children. Today in London there is a demonstration for easier divorce and as I listened to the TV debate not once were children mentioned. I watched a TV film the other day in which a young girl wrote a song for her parents telling them that although they had divorced one another she had not divorced them and was hurt by the whole thing. We are not a better Church since Vatican II, we are a self-centred and selfish one.
The Pope has been asked to clarify what he said in Amoris Laetitia. Does he support for example the Bishop of San Diego, Bishnop McElroy, who said the document does allow communion for the divotced and remarried and is introducing it into his Diocese or does he support the Four Cardinals who sent him a letter which he ignored but after two months of waiting for a reply they made public. A Bishop Pinto,head of the Vatican Court, has claimed that these Cardinals could lose their hats for asking for the clarification. Remember they are not accusing, they just want to know where the Church stands. And Bishop Pinto added that the Pope is following Christ. Really? If we take a look at Matthew 19 then there is no mention of Christ of black and white and shades of grey. He was to use one of the Pope's favourite words - rigid. So much so that the disciples said afterwards if things are so rigid perhaps it is better not to marry. So I do not see how the Pope can be following Christ. Perhaps the Pope is like Moses in this particular reading preferring to be popular rather than do the will of God.
Having witnessed the destruction that the breakup of the family can cause for the children,the suffering of not having a father and mother like other children I would have hoped the Catholic Church would have understood the spiritual and material poverty that divorce has brought on our society and in saying this I am echoing St Theresa of Calcutta. But alas we are not committed enough to Christ to listen to him and seek his wisdom. Let us pray to Mother Mary for all the abandoned children. But let us pray most of all for our Church in such peril.
Unfortunately there are bishops in the Church who wanted Communion for the Divorced and Remarried. From a human point of view of course it can be seen as caring and compassionate, but we are not part of a human organisation we are following the teachings of Jesus Christ which if implemented could change the word. Jesus wanted a world without divorce and injury to children. What have children got to do with it? A good question. In Amores Laetitia there was a great deal of talk about the psychological damage to children in broken families but I listened to debate after debate and not once did anyone seem to give a damn about the children. Today in London there is a demonstration for easier divorce and as I listened to the TV debate not once were children mentioned. I watched a TV film the other day in which a young girl wrote a song for her parents telling them that although they had divorced one another she had not divorced them and was hurt by the whole thing. We are not a better Church since Vatican II, we are a self-centred and selfish one.
The Pope has been asked to clarify what he said in Amoris Laetitia. Does he support for example the Bishop of San Diego, Bishnop McElroy, who said the document does allow communion for the divotced and remarried and is introducing it into his Diocese or does he support the Four Cardinals who sent him a letter which he ignored but after two months of waiting for a reply they made public. A Bishop Pinto,head of the Vatican Court, has claimed that these Cardinals could lose their hats for asking for the clarification. Remember they are not accusing, they just want to know where the Church stands. And Bishop Pinto added that the Pope is following Christ. Really? If we take a look at Matthew 19 then there is no mention of Christ of black and white and shades of grey. He was to use one of the Pope's favourite words - rigid. So much so that the disciples said afterwards if things are so rigid perhaps it is better not to marry. So I do not see how the Pope can be following Christ. Perhaps the Pope is like Moses in this particular reading preferring to be popular rather than do the will of God.
Having witnessed the destruction that the breakup of the family can cause for the children,the suffering of not having a father and mother like other children I would have hoped the Catholic Church would have understood the spiritual and material poverty that divorce has brought on our society and in saying this I am echoing St Theresa of Calcutta. But alas we are not committed enough to Christ to listen to him and seek his wisdom. Let us pray to Mother Mary for all the abandoned children. But let us pray most of all for our Church in such peril.
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