Mary the Mother of Jesus. The Greatest Saint Yet We Will not Listen to Her. She is not Ecumencal.
I wonder how many remember the seventies like I do. There I was a Catholic trying to practice my faith and suddenly my parish was almost invaded by revolutionaries. The Church had changed we were told, all those devotions and stuff are no longer necessary, and forget all that about the One True Church we do not have a monopoly of truth any more. And by the way Mary is just a woman, a human like us. Then Feminists from places of learning came long to talk about married priests and women priests and how celibacy was not really necessary. Then all this Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament - it is only bread so why worship bread Now they were charitable at times and realised as they said that some people did not take change easily. My problem was that I did not take lies easily either. But it was all very exiting - just like the French Revolution and although those of us as they described us 'were stuck' at least we were not taken to the guillotine, we were just ignored. A small group of revolutionaries took charge of the parish and not only ensured conformity with the new regime but weeded out people like myself if they tried to get involved. i remember a priest telling us once that this was our parish and if a priest tried to change the traditions then we must oppose the priest. He was of course speaking to the privileged few who thereafter took their duties very seriously deciding what priest was suitable to them and what priest was not.
I am Scottish however and have the blood of Robert the Bruce in my veins. I spoke up many times and achieved a few victories but I remember when I went to a meeting of Catechists, again specially chosen and opposing the putting up of the age of Holy Communion to eight I just asked a question and a sneer went round the room.
But of course why should they have listened to me since they had the bishop and half of the priests of the Diocese behind them? But let us come back to Mary. She was the first victim of the maverick Ecumenism. When a schema on Mary was presented at the Vatican Council a Jesuit called Karl Rahner spoke up and asked it to be put in the rubbish bin or it would "put Ecumenism back 10 years'. The German bishops were well into ecumenism by this time and although their Churches were empty even at that time they nevertheless felt they could make life easier for other priests who preferred ecumenism to full Churches. They were well organised and got their way both before and after the Council, especially after when they introduced their own reforms. So Mary was dumped and a new Mass was forced on the Church which soon achieved what the Germans had hoped for, indeed were it nor for immigration from Poland and other Catholic countries I wonder just how few people would be attedning. But again Mary. One priest toldus that Mary was just a women, a nun came from the Bishop to help the revolutionaries destroy devotions. and Catholicism all but died. The Rosary was not said by chldren any more sincd they were taught by mature adults. When Gabriel came to announce to Mary that God wanted her to be the Mother of Jesus he said she was "FULL OF GRACE but as part of the attack on Mary new translations said "Highly favoured One" however if you are lying in the spoken word why not do so in the written world. then we have Elizabeth her cousin saying "Who am to be visited by the Mother of my Saviour..." Then Mary replied " from henceforth all generations shall calll me blessed...." But heck we all love the Bible but we just do not take it seriously and let it interfere with our lives. We enjoy divorce, aboriton, and the sexual revolution. MARY IS NOT JUST ANOTHER WOMAN. I went to a meeting not so long ago in the parish. There was a discission on thapparitions of Mary. Members of the Revolution were there who just questioned any apparition that mentioned. Let mer tell the revolutionaries now. EITHER BECOME A CATHOLIC OR GET OUT OF MY CHURCH. I have not respect for your views whatsoever and all you have done is destroy the Church in the eyes of of people who come to explore the truth and children who really need to know what the Catholic Church is.
Blessed Sacrament - it is only bread so why worship bread Now they were charitable at times and realised as they said that some people did not take change easily. My problem was that I did not take lies easily either. But it was all very exiting - just like the French Revolution and although those of us as they described us 'were stuck' at least we were not taken to the guillotine, we were just ignored. A small group of revolutionaries took charge of the parish and not only ensured conformity with the new regime but weeded out people like myself if they tried to get involved. i remember a priest telling us once that this was our parish and if a priest tried to change the traditions then we must oppose the priest. He was of course speaking to the privileged few who thereafter took their duties very seriously deciding what priest was suitable to them and what priest was not.
I am Scottish however and have the blood of Robert the Bruce in my veins. I spoke up many times and achieved a few victories but I remember when I went to a meeting of Catechists, again specially chosen and opposing the putting up of the age of Holy Communion to eight I just asked a question and a sneer went round the room.
But of course why should they have listened to me since they had the bishop and half of the priests of the Diocese behind them? But let us come back to Mary. She was the first victim of the maverick Ecumenism. When a schema on Mary was presented at the Vatican Council a Jesuit called Karl Rahner spoke up and asked it to be put in the rubbish bin or it would "put Ecumenism back 10 years'. The German bishops were well into ecumenism by this time and although their Churches were empty even at that time they nevertheless felt they could make life easier for other priests who preferred ecumenism to full Churches. They were well organised and got their way both before and after the Council, especially after when they introduced their own reforms. So Mary was dumped and a new Mass was forced on the Church which soon achieved what the Germans had hoped for, indeed were it nor for immigration from Poland and other Catholic countries I wonder just how few people would be attedning. But again Mary. One priest toldus that Mary was just a women, a nun came from the Bishop to help the revolutionaries destroy devotions. and Catholicism all but died. The Rosary was not said by chldren any more sincd they were taught by mature adults. When Gabriel came to announce to Mary that God wanted her to be the Mother of Jesus he said she was "FULL OF GRACE but as part of the attack on Mary new translations said "Highly favoured One" however if you are lying in the spoken word why not do so in the written world. then we have Elizabeth her cousin saying "Who am to be visited by the Mother of my Saviour..." Then Mary replied " from henceforth all generations shall calll me blessed...." But heck we all love the Bible but we just do not take it seriously and let it interfere with our lives. We enjoy divorce, aboriton, and the sexual revolution. MARY IS NOT JUST ANOTHER WOMAN. I went to a meeting not so long ago in the parish. There was a discission on thapparitions of Mary. Members of the Revolution were there who just questioned any apparition that mentioned. Let mer tell the revolutionaries now. EITHER BECOME A CATHOLIC OR GET OUT OF MY CHURCH. I have not respect for your views whatsoever and all you have done is destroy the Church in the eyes of of people who come to explore the truth and children who really need to know what the Catholic Church is.
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