When a faithful Catholic broadcasting corporation like EWTN finds itself floundering to make sense of what is happening at the Synod of the Family then we know the Church is in great danger. We were slow to catch on to the corruption which took place during and after Vatican II because we trusted that the Church was united at all levels including the Vatican. We were unprepared for the onslaught of those prelates planted by Soviet Russian or from the intrigue of Freemasonry. We believed all in the Vatican were holy men doing their best and truly Catholic in thought word and deed. What a shock we got as the teachings of Christ were abandoned and Catholic devotions were mocked as childish by these new 'mature adults' Now in many parishes we who have remained faithful are mocked as pitiable by ruling cliques who have 'moved on'. They may not be able to change us but they have our children in the schools and in preparation programmes in the parish. As ecumenists they respect every other faith but not that of backward Roman Catholics.
As I have shown in other posts the clergy in many diocese do not preach as Christ would preach. They turn Him into some idealist so that He does not offend anyone. Yes they are happy to talk about love and Jesus, but to introduce Him as a person who had vision, who had teachings, who wanted the Kingdom of God on earth, who wanted above all our happiness, that is quite beyond them. Build a loving community where everyone loves everyone else and nasty Roman Catholicism can be forgotten - this is human thinking rather than the Word of God. But of course a new doctrine arose among them - you do not need to like someone you just have to love them. Well that took care of everything. So as the teachings of Christ faded so did the numbers attending Church. There is simply nothing now in the Catholic Faith as practiced in many parishes that attracts young people. Were I born in this period I doubt if I would attend.
But let us get back to the Synod and demonstrate how out of touch many of the prelates are. Take this strange statement for the Archbishop of Dublin. "People do not understand abstract moral principles" Yes, there is a kernel of truth in this but that is because he does not teach them to understand morality. To a Christian the sanctity of Marriage should not be an abstract moral principle. The Archbishop should be able to demonstrate how Love is taught and experienced only in a family setting with a child being taught by a Father and Mother. Therefore the indissolubility of marriage is not difficult to understand and the pain and hurt especially to children when the bond is broken is not difficult to understand therefore when Jesus condemned divorce, He understood this hurt and how it would affect the ability of children to love. Again as far as homosexuality is concerned the Church does not teach abstract moral principles it teaches that it is wrong and it is this that is opposed by homosexuals, it has nothing to do with language.
Then there is Father Rosica who eagerly told the press that one Father had stated "hating the sin and loving the sinner is not longer acceptable" What should we do then - hate the sin and hate the sinner. or love the sin and love the sinner.. What a load of nonsense. I deal with sinners almost on a daily basis and they are people of dignity and worth and I do not judge them as the Master commanded. But sin, is sin, is sin. There is so much nonsense going on that I fear only the Holy Spririt acting on Christ's promise that the Gates of Hell would not prevail can save the Church from what in human eyes inevitable - a destruction of the Church.
As I have shown in other posts the clergy in many diocese do not preach as Christ would preach. They turn Him into some idealist so that He does not offend anyone. Yes they are happy to talk about love and Jesus, but to introduce Him as a person who had vision, who had teachings, who wanted the Kingdom of God on earth, who wanted above all our happiness, that is quite beyond them. Build a loving community where everyone loves everyone else and nasty Roman Catholicism can be forgotten - this is human thinking rather than the Word of God. But of course a new doctrine arose among them - you do not need to like someone you just have to love them. Well that took care of everything. So as the teachings of Christ faded so did the numbers attending Church. There is simply nothing now in the Catholic Faith as practiced in many parishes that attracts young people. Were I born in this period I doubt if I would attend.
But let us get back to the Synod and demonstrate how out of touch many of the prelates are. Take this strange statement for the Archbishop of Dublin. "People do not understand abstract moral principles" Yes, there is a kernel of truth in this but that is because he does not teach them to understand morality. To a Christian the sanctity of Marriage should not be an abstract moral principle. The Archbishop should be able to demonstrate how Love is taught and experienced only in a family setting with a child being taught by a Father and Mother. Therefore the indissolubility of marriage is not difficult to understand and the pain and hurt especially to children when the bond is broken is not difficult to understand therefore when Jesus condemned divorce, He understood this hurt and how it would affect the ability of children to love. Again as far as homosexuality is concerned the Church does not teach abstract moral principles it teaches that it is wrong and it is this that is opposed by homosexuals, it has nothing to do with language.
Then there is Father Rosica who eagerly told the press that one Father had stated "hating the sin and loving the sinner is not longer acceptable" What should we do then - hate the sin and hate the sinner. or love the sin and love the sinner.. What a load of nonsense. I deal with sinners almost on a daily basis and they are people of dignity and worth and I do not judge them as the Master commanded. But sin, is sin, is sin. There is so much nonsense going on that I fear only the Holy Spririt acting on Christ's promise that the Gates of Hell would not prevail can save the Church from what in human eyes inevitable - a destruction of the Church.
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