Those who did not experience the aftermath of Vatican II will never be able to comprehend how a Council of the Church was used by anti-catholics within, to abuse the laity by attacking belief in the Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, smashing altar rails to prevent people kneeling, removing the Tabernacle to some other place other than the altar, attacking Catholic Devotions especially to Mary, claiming that the Catholics in the Pre-Vatican Church were living in fear of Hell and damnation, and of course 'how judgemental' they were. Not one of these changes were to be found in Vatican II and on the contrary many were reaffirmed in the document 'The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" Because in the Catholic Church priests were held in high esteem by the laity they were readily believed by their parishioners. But to be fair many good priests were led astray as 'experts' arrived from Universities and Colleges giving their worldly interpretation of the Church and feminist view points about equality of women and the need for women priests.
But there were still Catholics around and indeed Catholic priests who loved and understood the Faith so if they were moved to a parish they had to be countered. I remember one priest telling the Community as we now were that such priests had no right to change anything since this was our parish. What he meant was the small group of anti-catholics he had gathered around him and were now appointed as Catechists and Leaders, at one stage thee was an effort made in my parish to call them ELDERS. This minority still hold power in the parish and it is very difficult for any priest to oppose them. While they have fixed on to such terms as 'judgemental', living in the past, or not adult in their faith, they are very much seeing the wood in their brothers eyes and failing to spot the plank in their own.
I remember a meeting where divorce was discussed. My innocent wife spoke up. "But Jesus said what God has joined together let not man put asunder" She was immediately turned on, "Do not be judgemental" It was quite obvious that to deny the words of Jesus was to call Jesus judgemental but this logic failed because they were already uncommitted to the teachings of Jesus, although they cried Lord Lord often enough. So we know where they stood on the Synod. It was not with Jesus.
But where are we today. Now having failed in their endeavours at the Council the anti-catholic bishops are going back to their old ways. "We are no longer going to be a Judgemental Church" cries a Belgium Bishop He too was happy to call Jesus judgemental but he is also lying. I have never heard anyone at anytime in the Catholic Church anywhere condemn anyone for being divorced or divorced and remarried. Thanks to the way the anti-catholics have directed the Church there is hardly a Catholic family in England which has not shared the agony of divorce by one of its members. They are in no way able to judge anyone - and faithful Catholics though they may be they are aware of how deeply people are hurt. But unlike the anti-catholics they look at what is going to happen to young people and pray the Church will somehow renew its message from Christ and come in to help the youngsters. The only thing that would please the anti-catholics is the changing of the teaching by Christ on Divorce and the only reason they talk about a more welcoming Church is the hope that the ruling will be changed and they are happy to lie in order to achieve it. What the New Church many built achieved was the almost total alienation of young people who knew what the Church should stand for but looked on incredulously at the false teachings of those who should have known better. At the end of Vatican II there were 2million Catholics attending Mass but today there are only 800,000 and God is not responsible for the unhappiness of the young, the Bishops and Priests of England are.
But the lies will come and there will be no attempt to help those who are married and divorced. In a previous post I wrote about the Polish Bishops Conference. It was wise and true leadership but it will never happen in England. The false tales of moving forward will still be spun.
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