My Apologia: I do not have a PH.D in Theology.
I remember once having a conversation with a journalist from the Catholic Herald. It was text messaging. When I put my case he replied that he could not really discuss things with me because I was not of the same intellectual level. I replied that he should not be so hard on himself since he did at times write good articles. But seriously I could not believe the pride and arrogance of the fellow. But this has been in the Church now since the Spirit of Vatican II and ordinary Catholics have been downgraded in their knowledge of the Faith and replaced by so called 'experts' who must be believed because they have a degree or have sold books and ordinary Catholics are just ignorant. Let me give examples. The expert who told us that the Real Presence is not physical or spiritual but somewhere in between. A Strange Idea. The expert who in a local school told members of the Diocese that the priest did not change the bread and wine int...