The Evil of Secular Sex Education
Now that the Marxists have captured the media, have taken control of America and are building their new world exactly how the communists in Russia did - by denying free speech to anyone who contradicted their revolution as hate criminals and anti-revolutionaries- what hope is there for the Catholic Church to survive, especially when inside the Church there are bishops, priests and people opposing the teachings of Christ and indeed contradicting them.
It was G.K. Chesterton who famously remarked "The trouble with Christianity is that it has not yet been tried" And indeed throughout history the Catholic Church has had good times and bad times, but the bad times always came when the message was preached by the rise of false bishops and priests, teaching a false Christ, and with no loyalty to Jesus whatsoever.
And that is the Catholic Church of today. Bishops fawn popularity with secularists and boldly change the teachings of Christ to suit the weakness and lack of faith by its followers. Indeed they attack Christ himself. I have already highlighted how the English and Welsh Bishops changed the teaching on adultery to conform to Government guidelines on sex education, so how such men can offer the sacrifice of the Mass on Sunday when it was of them that Jesus said "But woe to those who scandalise one of these little ones, it would be better if a halter was put around their neck and they were cast into the sea" They know what Jesus taught, they contradicted him, and are even now facing judgement. I will never forget my sorrow when one day in confession as I was striving to be perfect 'as my heavenly Father is perfect' a priest said to me "But God made you the way you are". But this is not true, the whole point of the Church is to lead us away from our fallen human nature so that we love God perfectly as we were meant to do before sin came into the world. But am I talking here just about personal sin? When young people are taught to use contraception in schools, the teachers may try to justify themselves that they are doing 'the sensible thing', but they are actually encouraging immorality among the pupils and destroying the goodness in society. The message is that sex is OK when it is done responsibly. So what is responsible sex. The first thing to say is that responsible sex is between two people who are committed to each other. That is in no way what young girls find in young boys. But eventually there could be a pregnancy and the girl is faced with the prospect of having her baby adopted, a heart breaking decision, becoming a single mother, or seeking an abortion. and getting married to someone who has no commitment to you can only end in disaster. Now have Catholic teachers noticed the rise in abortions, children homes full of forgotten children, and how the media go on about poverty which if they look carefully turns out to be 'single parent poverty' Now Marx and Engles did not approve of marriage, so that is OK for their followers, there are many kinds of family units now, but sorry I am still to meet a single mother with children who chose to lead that kind of family life.
And that is what Marxism is about. It cannot build, it can only destroy and build a world of conflict, hate, and poverty. Jesus taught that marriage between a man and woman is what God planned in the beginning. He spared no ones feelings when talking on divorce because of the hurt it brought. And his teachings are the teachings of the Church, both on adultery and divorce. Do not think you can separate the two, for the Church is built on Christ.
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