I will Not Be Around for Much Longer
It all began on Facebook. I had written an article about my life as I grew up in the slums of Glasgow
I did not really feel I was a priviliged white and I wondered why there was people telling me I was. The phrase priviliged white drew the attention of Facebook to me, as thy no doubt in scouring the entries of millions had instructed their machine to show up such phrases They added to my post that I was only sharing this with friends. I objected in my next post and they came back and found I was a 'fascist hoodlum' who was defending Donald Trump. My attempts to download videos published by Lifesite News and other media onto my Facebook were suddenly unsuccessful. Among the 'not evidence' videos I tried to download, was one showing people arriving at a polling station during the night and proceeding to empty bags they were carrying full of ballot papers into the machines. This would run up on the papers issued to show the moment by moment count as it showed as a sudden upward perpendicular rise in the vote by thousands, when the count was started the next morning. Thy had forgotten the security cameras Then we had a video of someone counting the ballots using a pen to alter or add to something on the ballot paper. The evidence in courts was just denied and I also wanted to post a video of a judge telling those who came forward to testify that they were liars. There were of course the postal ballots which showed people rising from the dead to make their mark, and some people who had voted twice and sometimes three times. Now with this scale of fraud going on the Democrats had to be prepared for the court battles. They were not prepared for the video evidence but they had confidence that the courts would ignore them, which they did.
But what could they do about the media? Well the left had worked for years on that. Out of Universities, came young people armed with degree, but brainwashed on politics. They like HItler, Stalin and others, knew how to build the perfect society. It was easy really, you just attack the scum who did not agree with you. There were Far Right people everywhere and they had to be deplatformed. Their voices must never be heard, they must be scored and laughed at, and a better world would come into being. Sadly so many young people have taken their advice seriously. These misguided ones were placed into the mainstream media to prepare for the revolution. So we have the BbFC and Sky in this country, and the NBC and many other broadcasting services in America only too eager to play the game, they also had the High Tech Giasts such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, to do the dirty work on the ground, they claimed that there was 'no evidence' despite the fact that evidence was overwhelming. Of course since I could not show the videos I proceeded to write just as I am doing now. There was no way that having lived through a World War I was going to surrender my right to free speech to such dishonourable people. And so the more they tried to isolate me the more I fought back. But I am just one of many many people who felt the same. Now the target is Life Sites and they are now facing closure in America, as the next Socialist plan is put into action - the destruction of babies at birth. This was a reward the Germans had for voting in a Nazi regime, babies who were imperfect at birth had to be destroyed. He saw himself as purifying the German race. Our socialists of today though just find unwanted babies as an interference in their sexual lives, they are in many ways more evil than Hitler.
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