A Most Beautifully written Apostolic Letter on St Joseph by Pope Francis

 Sometimes when I look at the problems in the Church, they seem to be incurable.   Her enemies triumph over her, and the teachings of Christ for a better world are mocked.    "Is God really with His Church" I ask myself.    I watch the young people walk away in droves, and see the young people being taught adultery in schools in a so called "Responsible Sex" programme.   This of course is just how the world wants it to be, unmarried mums living in single parent poverty, men using women with no sense of responsibility for the consequences and taking no interest in the children, often forcing young women to kill their baby.     Yes it is oK for the elite women with inspiring careers, but working class Mums are often left with inspiring jobs like filling shelves in a supermarket or cleaning out the toilets in an office or factory, interested only in the survival of themselves and there children.   Many are good mums but society lets them down, especially the Churches which promotes this kind of life by giorgio the commandments  And their children grow up disadvantaged and often live the same life and make the wrong choices like their mother.

I often despair when I write about such things year after year, but nobody seems to care.   I heard about this letter written by Pope Francis and read it.   He spoke of a man who while trusting in God, found himself in situations in which he could have expected God's help.  He accepte Mary as his wife and yet finding himself with her in Bethlehem when she was in Labour h  could find no lodgings.   But Joseph did not complain or question even when the Son of God was born in a dirty stable.   Then he had  to fly with Mary and Jesus  into Egypt and find a home and work for his family.   Joseph always trusted in God and he was humble and never complained.   He had sacrificed his life to Mary and Jesus in order that God plan could be accomplished. 

And Joseph was a husband who is an example to all husbands.     And a Father to Jesus beyond reproach.    This letter inspired me again to trust in God in whatever I do.   I sometimes get tired of saying the things nobody wants to hear, and receiving rebuffs for saying them.   Not even God seems to care, I told myself    But thanks to Pope Francis I will follow the example of St Joseph and his trust in God until the day of my death.  This is my resolve.    

Patris Corde, an Apostolic Letter of the Holy Father Francis. 


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