
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Finish of an Article I had deleted but someone found.

I would like to finish a post I actually deleted and never published but  my supervisors found.    "When I submitted my article to the Press Complaints I told them I was sorry I had written it.    The reason was that in the catechetical fashion in which I had written it, it was totally negative.    The question is "Do I like gays?    I like many gays but I do not like others.   I admired people who got on with their lives in the celebrity settings, caring for their parters, and living like everyone else. but not those  like a Lecturer at Winchester College who boasted of his conquests and although married to a partner intended to have many more conquests.   I like many heterosexuals  but not those who use and abuse women  ands believe every woman is fair game.   The is an abus of sex.        I was thrilled with the gay couple who had built a home were they looked after handicapped people. ...

The Evil of Secular Sex Education

Now that the Marxists have captured the media, have taken control of America  and are building their new world exactly how the communists in Russia did - by denying free speech to anyone who contradicted their revolution as hate criminals and anti-revolutionaries- what hope is there for the Catholic Church to survive, especially when inside the Church there are bishops, priests and people opposing the teachings of Christ and indeed contradicting them. It was G.K. Chesterton who famously remarked "The trouble with Christianity is that it has not yet been tried"    And indeed throughout history the Catholic Church has had good times and bad times, but the bad times always came when the message was preached by the rise of false bishops and priests, teaching a false Christ, and with no loyalty to Jesus whatsoever. And that is the Catholic Church of today.   Bishops fawn popularity with secularists and boldly change the teachings of Christ to suit the weakness and lack of...

A Stupid and Bigoted Irish Government

Well I must say I never thought I would laugh at the BBC. From the Irish Government you expect stupidity, but this fake accusation of nuns throwing children into a mass grave was, if you do not laugh, really sick. What actually happened was that the babies were buried in individual graves and each grave had a cross. When the nuns left, the new owners just removed the crosses. So fifty years later along comes an 'historian' who learns to her horror that there are babies buried beside the house. "It must have been a mass grave" she decides, and writes her story. There was of course a sewage system nearby but it did not occupy the whole area, nor is there any evidence that the nuns buried the babies there. And of course being a Mass Grave the historian decided the deaths were not reported. But they had. Now how do I know all this? Because this story reached the headlines about 3 years ago, and the historian was contradicted three years ago. B...

The Beauty of Good Catholic Liturgy

I have regularly been following Mass from the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham    The Shrine is blessed by the presence of wonderful Franciscan priests who say the Mass reverently and give wonderful teaching.     I usually watch the 9.30 Mass from the Slipper Chapel.   Prior to the Reformation pilgrims would have stopped there to clean or change their shoes, or put on slippers or walk barefoot to the Shrine of Our Lady in Walsingham. What makes the Mass in the Chapel special is that the priest faces the East with the people, for it is from the East 'we await the coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ'.   The priest faces East as the leader of the Community, one of the Community, confessing his sins as one of the Community,  offering the sacrifice with the Community for it is also their sacrifice, but with the special assurance at his ordination by his Bishop, that when he says the words of Christ over the bread and wine, Christ through Him will ch...

I will Not Be Around for Much Longer

 It all began on Facebook.   I had written an article about my life as I grew up in the slums of Glasgow I did not really feel I was a priviliged white and I wondered why there was people telling me I was.  The phrase priviliged white drew the attention of Facebook to me, as thy no doubt in scouring the entries of millions had instructed their machine to show up such phrases    They added to my post that I was only sharing this with friends.   I objected in my next post and they came back and found  I was a 'fascist hoodlum' who was defending Donald Trump.   My attempts to download videos published by Lifesite News and other media onto my Facebook were suddenly unsuccessful.  Among the 'not evidence' videos I tried to download, was one showing people arriving at a polling station during the night and proceeding to empty bags they were carrying full of ballot papers into the machines.   This would run up on the papers issued to show the m...

A Most Beautifully written Apostolic Letter on St Joseph by Pope Francis

 Sometimes when I look at the problems in the Church, they seem to be incurable.   Her enemies triumph over her, and the teachings of Christ for a better world are mocked.    "Is God really with His Church" I ask myself.    I watch the young people walk away in droves, and see the young people being taught adultery in schools in a so called "Responsible Sex" programme.   This of course is just how the world wants it to be, unmarried mums living in single parent poverty, men using women with no sense of responsibility for the consequences and taking no interest in the children, often forcing young women to kill their baby.     Yes it is oK for the elite women with inspiring careers, but working class Mums are often left with inspiring jobs like filling shelves in a supermarket or cleaning out the toilets in an office or factory, interested only in the survival of themselves and there children.   Many are good mums but society lets them do...

January 1st: Feast of Mary the Mother of God.

How could Mary, a human being born in time, possibly be called the Mother of God, a God who has existed from all eternity, and is not human but a spirit? The answer lies in her Son Jesus, who claimed to be God, and was accepted by his followers as "The Christ, the Son of the Living God".   Yet even in the early Church there was great dispute over this.   Yes, Jesus Christ is human, but his divinity, surely that is something implanted on the Body.   There were many disputes over the early Years, until a heresy came that almost destroyed the Church.   It was called Arianism, and it became popular among many bishops.   It taught that Jesus as God did not exist until the Father created him in the womb of Mary.   He was a Divine creation, though separate from God.   At the Council of Nicea in 325AD all the bishops of the Church met in the first great Ecumenical Council to discuss the matter.   The decision was that Jesus was one person with two natures...