Year of the Bible: The Sacrifice of the Mass.

We have seen how the Early Church embraced the Real Presence in describing the consecrated host as the Flesh of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus.   But let us look at the setting in which this took place.   I will return to my Protestant Historian J.N.D Kelly.    "the eucharist was seen as the distinctively Christian SACRIFICE.........Malachi's prediction (Malachi 1:10-11) that the Lord would reject Jewish sacrifices and instead would have a pure offering made to Him by the Gentiles, was seized upon by the Christians as a prophecy of the Eucharist.  Didache actually applies the term THUSA or sacrifice to the Eucharist.   It was natural for christians to think of the Eucharist as a sacrifice.    The fulfilment of prophecy demanded a SOLEMN Christian offering and the RITE itself was wrapped in a sacrificial atmosphere WITH WHICH OUR LORD INVESTED THE LAST SUPPER".

The prophecy of Malachi is repeated throughout the early Christian Church.  St  Clement a contemporary of the Apostles rules against the Corinthians in 96AD who had decided to replace their Presbyters with people they liked.    He told them they could not replace men who were appointed by the Apostles and other eminent men.   Acting as the successor of Peter in Rome he told them  "Our sin will not be small if we eject from the episcopate those who blamelessly and holily have offered its sacrifices

I could go on and quote from St Justin, St Cyprian, St Irenaeus of Lyons, but again this is a blog and not a book.   But I will end with a warning from St Ignatius of Antioch to those who would keep the Catholic Church divided by a Protestant view of Scripture,

"Take heed, then, to have one Eucharist.   For there is ONE  FLESH  of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and one cup to show forth the unity of his blood; one altar as there is one bishop along with the presbytery and  deacons, my fellow servants: that so, WHATSOEVER YOU DO, you may do ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD".

'For there will arise false Christs and Prophets who will lead astray many, even the elect'  Our Lord Jesus said.   Do not be a false Christ or a false prophet.


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