THE BIBLE; St Jerome replies to the Bishops of England

I was asking first what St Jerome had to do with anything.   Then I found evidence that great scholars who were working to unite Catholics and Protestants in one Bible had claimed that St Jerome was in favour of removing the Greek books not approved by the Hebrews, and for this claim he became a focal point for the English bishops.   Certainly I can understand their fanaticism in getting rid of a purely Catholic interpretation of the Bible, but ignoring the final Council of Carthage 419 AD and trying  to promote St Jerome as a decision maker can only be called dishonest.     From the Fathers onwards the Greek scriptures had been used by ecclesiastical writers.  Yes, there were those who knew better, there always has been and there always will be, but the Church always questioned itself .   So we had the Council of Rome 382 AD,  the Council of Hippo 393 AD, the Council of Carthage 397 AD, and the final Council of Carthage 419AD which settled the question once and for all by declaring all the books in the Greek as the Word of God.    In all the previous  councils the bishops had voted that allthe Books of the Diaspara were part of Christian Scripture.   But did St Jerome disagree?

In translating the Greek Texts into Latin he was attacked by someone called Rufinus for daring to use the forbidden books and not being  loyal to the Books of the Hebrews.       Here was his answer.

"What sin have I committed if I follow the judgement of the Churches.  but he who brings charges against me for relating in my preface to the book of Daniel the objection that the Hebrews are won't to raise against the story of Sussanah (Daniel 1.3), the song of the Three Children (Daniel 3. 29-66) and the story of Bel and the Dragon Daniel (1.4)which are not found in the Hebrew volume probes that he is just a foolish sycophant......(Apology to Rufinus, 401 AD)

Notice that Jerome pointed out his loyalty to the decision of the Churches    There is no way he could have disagreed or composed his own Bible.   But as always the Catholic Church is under attack.   Is it not time the Protestant Churches told us why they support the Hebrew position?


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