THE BIBLE; The Council of Carthage

There were two important Councils of Carthage.   I wrongly wrote about the Council of Carthage in 397 as being the second of these.    In fact there was a Council of Carthage in 419AD which was the second and final one.   So I apologise for my misleading information.   It is interesting though that St Jerome was now on the scene and in a letter he wrote in 401 he was obviously being criticised for including certain texts from the Old Testament which were disputed by the Jews of Jerusalem and those who were known as the Jews of the Dispersal, those who had travelled to other parts of the world.    Jerome dismissed  the attacks on him using the Texts as the work of a foolish sycophant and carried on with his work.  At the Council of Carthage the Church gave him full backing, as indeed did the First Council of Carthage.  At no time in the early Church did the Church make any distinction between the Protocanonical texts and the Deutrocanonical Texts and the Church Fathers and Eccleiastical writers had quoted from them both.   We will discuss this when we get to the final Council of Carthage.


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