I was involved in the Church prior to the publication of 'Humanae Vitae'.   There were many 'educated' people around then who were of the opinion that the Pope was going to change his mind and contraception would be approved.   Well, as they kept it wrapped by talking about married couples, and ignored every other consideration it did seem sensible from a worldly point of view.   Yes married couples were using contraception and in many cases forced to do so since the secular state was already breaking up marriage by forcing women to go out to work to pay for a mortgage.    And yes, there was no real safe natural family planning around, though we did hear that a Doctor Billings in Australia had found a safer method.   But this was a real dilemma for if the woman fell pregnant then how would the mortgage be paid, who would look after the children, all these honest difficulties were there.

But of one thing I was sure, the Catholic Church COULD NOT  change her teachings on this or she would destroy herself, for by changing one moral teaching the whole of the house would come tumbling down.   But already there was present in society what was called the 'sexual revolution' in which contraception was being used to forward adultery and our Catholic young people were being caught up in the idea of 'sex without responsibility', and when contraception failed we moved to a great evil that of abortion.    The evils that contraception would lead society was clearly marked out in 'Humane Vitae", but it was already there to be seen in these early years by those who dared to look, but very few did.   We also had a  Church which no longer was i love with Jesus and had to be fashioned according to the influence of the most rebellious.

Perhaps at that time I could understand the sincerity of those who opposed the Church.   However fifty years later I no longer have the will to do so when what was in its infancy then is all around us.    Over 50% of our children in schools grow up with only one parent, and when the talk in he playground is "Do you have a Daddy" and those who have one are looked on with envy then we have a problem.    But what I cannot forgive is the way the Church turns away from these children, with o understanding of the hurt they feel which often causes them problems when they become young adults.   They are then caught up in the morals of the secular society because their Catholic Education has failed them.   Far from teaching them to live a chaste life, many Catholic teachers are the first to assure them that the use of condoms is 'the sensible thing'    I remember being present in a Catholic Teachers Training College where a Lesbian Professor was telling the teachers to be that the Church had got it all wrong on sex.     Why hope then for our young people and as they absorb the values of the secular society little wonder that 95% of pupils have left he Catholic Church before they have left school.    You cannot teach children to love Jesus, but at the same time ignore Jesus

I believe that until the Catholic Church takes note of the problems of our young people in Catholic Schools, the hurt and lack of love so many children feel, then those involved will have a terrible judgement.

There are now very good modern methods of Naruaal Family Planning.    You cab of course live in the kind of Church that you want and just carry on regardless but if you read the Gospels this will never be the Church of Jesus Christ - he demands sacrifice from you.    


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