Mary, the Beautiful Lady.
It was St Bernadette who first protested against the images of Mary. On being shown the statue at Lourdes she cried. "But Mary is nothing like that, she is alive she moves" I knew what she meant when I visited Lourdes and saw a grim faced Mary being carried in procession. As she was carried in the torn light procession she swayed from side to side and she looked like a person scared stiff of being dropped to the ground. There seems to be a fear of making Mary look like an ordinary woman with a smile on her face. Is it some kind of sin I wonder to make her look like a young girl happy with a baby like any other young girl. Are we afraid to make her look 'ordinary'. Are we afraid she might have laughed and giggled with the other girls in Nazareth instead of remaining in her room in prayer? Now let us settle one point, Mary did not know she was going to be the Mother of Jesus. She therefore had no reason not to mix with the people of Nazareth She was an ordinary girl growing up to want the things that other girls wanted. The thought of that shocks some people and I will be no doubt criticised for daring to say Mary was ordinary. Yet that is the wonder of Mary. Yes, she was just a woman, but one whom God would bless in a wonderful way and all generations would call her blessed. If we lose sight of the fat she was just an ordinary woman how can we believe she can help us and accept her as a Mother.
The painting above I really love. We know how a baby needs to see his or her mother's face and if that face is happy the child finds peace. If the face is worried than the baby becomes anxious. IN some paintings of the Nativity I have seen I an sure if the face of Mary was as depicted then Jesus would have grow up with deep psychological problems.
No the above is the true Mary who loved and enjoyed her baby Jesus as other mothers love and enjoy their babies. She is human and we can relate to her. Too many paintings try to make her 'high and mighty' . But it was the humble that God exalted.. Bernadette remember met 'a beautiful lady' The young lady above is certainly more like the lady Bernadette met that the statue at Lourdes.
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