Jesus in the Tabernacle is waiting for you to call.
This is my Parish Church. It has everything in order as approved by the teaching of the Church and the Documents of the Church. Vatican Ii did mention a practice which existed already about adoring Jesus in the Tabernacle in a side chapel in Cathedrals and places where there were many visitors who would disturb people at prayer. They did not introduce anything new in this, for this was the practice already in existence, but they re-emphasised it. Westminster has their Blessed Sacrament Chapel long before Vatican II
So why when there was no authority for it were tabernacles moved ut of the way. So the people were then a community without their head Jesus Christ. I am reminded of the words of Pope Joh Paul II when a Cardinal asked him why he did not restore his authority in the Church and his answer was "Unfortunately, my authority stops at that door" The anti-Christ was already running the Vatican and with the support of local Bishops in Europe they were already attacking the teachings of the Church especially on the Real Presence of Jesus in the host. If Jesus is God would we really tell him to stand in the corner. Now the Tabernacle is still on the altar in my parish Church because when there was a proposal to move it i spoke out. "It is liturgically incorrect" I was told. I then asked the obvious questions others we're afraid to ask of their priest "Who said it was not liturgically correct? He moved off and slammed the door. To be fair this was a priest I liked in many ways and to be fair he did not move the Tabernacle. The trouble at the time was that Bishops Conferences had decided to ignore the Pope and listen to the Marxists and Modernists who had infiltrated the Church.
I remember then looking around other churches and was amazed at what I can only call blasphemy as the tabernacles were moved to all kinds of places. The worst I ever came across was when the Blessed Sacrament was placed in a structure of lights and called the Burning Bush. This added insult to blasphemy and yet there were Catholics defending it because "Father said......." So who was I to object.
So let us look at the tabernacle in the picture. You will see that it is in the shape o a Tent. This recalls our Judaeo-Christiaity. How the Lord came to Moses in a cloud and spoke to him in his tent. Then there was the Ark of the Covenant, the Word of God carted in the desert and then placed in a tent and covered with a veil. When in Jerusalem and the Temple was built the veil of the temple separated the Jews from the Holy of Holies - the Sanctuary of the Lord. When you open the Tabernacle you will find a veil behind which the Sacred Species is kept. But this Species is not just the Word of God it is the Incarnate Word, the very God who made heaven and Earth, and he waits in his Tent for us to visit Him. But the Sacred Species is not something Holy - it is a person, it is the physical presence of Jesus still living among us. When I grew up it was the practice of the people to visit Jesus in the Tabernacle as they went about their daily lives. Perhaps it was just a quick visit on the way to work, a quick bend of the Knee, a world of prayer, then off. Today Catholics in the Church, even those who would turn up to Exposition of the Sacred Species seem to think that when there are no services the Church is empty. NO, NO, No. Jesus in the Tabernacle is as much present as Jesus in Exposition. He wants us to make friends with him. Why is it that people will sit worrying at home perhaps even depressed will not come to pray before their King in a Catholic Church. The Church is silent and there is only you with Jesus in the Tabernacle. I have experienced so much love in my few visits that I long so much for others to join me. If you have a problem then Jesus will listen, if you are worried about your family then Jesus will listen, if you just want cheering then Jesus will help you.
Finally to a group of people who said they could pray in their home and have no need to go to Church, ST John Chrysostom replied "You are in great error, for while it is true that you can pray in our won dwelling, you will not however do as well as in the Church"
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