Is Adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament just Superstition or Hypocricy.

I was complaining about St Bede's and the 'Tabernacle' there  but I have also came across other Churches where I have seen less than honour to Jesus.   In one  was a prayer meeting and at one stage there was Adoration.   So the priest went to some kind of box in the corner of the room, took out a host, and then wet back to the altar put it in some kind of monstrance and then we all adored    Well adoration is usually on bended knee but this Church followed the practice of having no kneelers so that we could not kneel.  We then had half an hour of 'Adoration'  and when it was over the priest took the host host from the 'tabernacle' and put it back in the box and the presence of Jesus was quickly forgotten.    Now the obvious question to any non-catholic is this, "If Catholics say they believe in the  Real Presence of Jesus why do they treat Him with such contempt?   Now let me say at once that I do not believe that the Catholics there were actually treating Jesus with contempt, they look to their priests and leaders for their guidance and when these priests and leaders lead then astray they cannot be blamed.    It reminds me of what Jesus felt when he looked asa the crowds and they looked like sheep without a shepherd.

But I am making a serious accusation here so I will  concentrate on what I claim was a betrayal of the faithful by the Anti-Christ in our Church.

In the Pre-Vatican II Church, children were taught a simple Catechism which ran through the teachings of the Council of Trent.   There was a question  'Where is Jesus Christ'   The answer was "As God Jesus Christ is everywhere, but as God Made Man he is in Heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar'     There was no contradiction of this at Vatican II and indeed Pope Paul VI was to say in The Great Credo of the People of God"   that in order to conform with Catholic Teaching any explanation of the Real Presence must state that after the Consecration no elements of Bread remained in the Host and no elements of Wine remain the the Precious Blood.  In other words it is a complete and utter change to Jesus Himself.   Jesus is not in the Bread and Jesus is not in the wine but is the Bread and His blood is the Wine.

It is therefore quite obvious that His presence is as Vatican II said "par excellence'.   Yes, Jesus is in the Scriptures but he is not the scriptures.   And where two or three are gathered together Jesus as God is among them.  We can see Jesus as God in so many things but this, as taught by the Church, is not the case in the Blessed Sacrament.

The first attack on the Real Presence became obvious to me when suddenly we were told that the readings of Scripture were just as important as the Consecration.   But how can Holy Scripture compare to the coming of the God Made Man amongst us.    It is certainly true that Scripture is important to the Church and she has used scripture to instruct us from the very beginning and indeed it was the Church who in the 6th Century at thee Councils looked through Scripture and told us which of the books we could trust and called these books the Word of God.     So perhaps some were not too curious about the declaration that one part of the Mass was as important as the Consecration, but another more subtle attack was to follow.     This came in the form of the Liturgy of the Word.    The new Church was failing to attract young men to the priesthood because the young men had deserted the Church. Its message was attracting very few people.  So there were moons about the shortage of priests and to my horror even a suggestion that we should not call on 'foreign' priests.   Next t
he people were asked in a Questionnaire "Would you be willing to attend a 'Liturgy of the Word'  service.    Great plans were drawn up and the diocese divided into Pastoral Areas  waiting for the time when there would be only perhaps three priests available in the area.     It did to happen, although in countries like Holland and Belgium the Catholic Faith almost disappeared.  Belgiium is probably the country where the truth was glaring at the falces of the bishops.    One Diocese Namur had no shortage of vocations..   There were nine dioceses in Belgium.   The statistics around the year 2000 showed that in the one seminary in Belgium there were 35 students, but of these 17 came from the one diocese of Naumur, whee they were not facing fewer priests and indeed were building Churches.    On could have hoped the bishops of the other dioceses would learn, but no, they wee on 'mission destruct'.

In many diocese the bishops, not the authority of the Church, started moving the Tabernacle containing Jesus, true God and True Man to the side of the Church out of the way of the prayers and devotions of the community.   And that is where I first started.

So back to the Real Presence.    If Jesus is just present there in the same way he is present in scripture then why do we have Adoration.    We can only adore God and if the host is not the Real Presence of Jesus we are surely sinning.    We do not put a bible on the altar and kneel and adore this book.   So is it just harmful superstition or the hypocrisy of the Anti-Christ patronising the ignorant laity?
One thing is sure, if we really believe that Jesus is present among us as God made man we would have him at the very centre of our worship in our parish Church.      He is our Mighty God, our deliverer, and he should sit in our Holy Place where the King of Kings should sit.    Not in a corner or even another room out of the way.

There was a difficulty in Cathedrals where those who believed that Jesus was truly present in the Tabernacle were disturbed in their prayers by constant visitors.    In such places by permission of the Church if they so wished a side chapel could be made and the Tabernacle moved there    But I say again, there is not legislation in the Church which demands the Tabernacle be moved from the altar.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I implore, the grace to love  you daily more and more.


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