Is Adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament just Superstition or Hypocricy.

I was complaining about St Bede's and the 'Tabernacle' there but I have also came across other Churches where I have seen less than honour to Jesus. In one was a prayer meeting and at one stage there was Adoration. So the priest went to some kind of box in the corner of the room, took out a host, and then wet back to the altar put it in some kind of monstrance and then we all adored Well adoration is usually on bended knee but this Church followed the practice of having no kneelers so that we could not kneel. We then had half an hour of 'Adoration' and when it was over the priest took the host host from the 'tabernacle' and put it back in the box and the presence of Jesus was quickly forgotten. Now the obvious question to any non-catholic is this, "If Catholics say they believe in the Real Presence of Jesus why do they treat Him with such contempt? Now let me say at once that I do not believe that the Cath...