But, to his surprise, Caffarra received a lengthy letter signed by Sister Lucia in which she spoke of the “final battle” that would come at the end of time. 
The Fatima visionary wrote that the “final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Do not be afraid, (she added), because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue.” She then concluded: “However, Our Lady has already crushed his head.”
The letter is now in the archives of the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family
The above was the result of Cardinal Caffarra asking a question of Lucy the visionary at Fatima.    But can it be doubted that Satan would wish to destroy the family for it is in the family the the offspring of a man and a woman first experience and recognise love.   Love is nourished in the family, the love of a natural parent for the spouse, and the love of both parents for their children who by their example learn the meaning of being loved and soon pass that love to others when they are older.   This is the natural family unit that God intended and although there are many cases through human sinfulness that the love becomes fragile and broken, it does not mean that God has failed but that humans have failed.   When the Church betrays God by ignoring the plight of unloved children then it is little wonder that God feels anger and disappointment as revealed by Our Lady of Fatima.  
There is an English politician called Jacob Rees-Mogg who in politics is very controversial and often opposes his Party.   He nevertheless is a Catholic and has very sound  principles.  Recently he was interviewed by Pierce Morgan and when asked about his views on Abortion and Gay Marriage gave his views in a very simple and honest manner.   He just said that Marriage comes from God and as a Catholic hesupports the Church teaching.   "Do you then hate Gays?"   He replied My Church tells me I must judge nobody.  "But what if you were Prime Minister"   " In our Parliament these are matters of conscience and there is a free vote so my position as Prime Minister would not be a threat"

But unfortunately the Labour Party in Parliament is now totally controlled by Trotskyists and were anyone elected Prime Minister who did not agree with their  abortion and Gay views there would be an uproar.  Except of course were he a Moslem then his views, for the sake of diversity, would not be asked

But we have gone well beyond just gay relationships.  We now have transgenderism and the prospect of a transgender man marrying a transgender woman.   And of course their "right to have children".    Notice how the term "human right"  is used     But the Church teaches that 'human rights come from God" not by the arbitrary decision of humans.    The Nazis decided to declare that Jews were not human and along as a great number of them repeated this a certain reassurance came and they felt no guilt in klling them.   That today is where the Abortion industry finds itself.  No guilt, killing babies that
 are born alive, making money out of spare parts, they are even better fascists than the followers of Hitler could ever have imagined.   Most of these babies are killed because some were not wanted in a family unit, how sad, but most because sex is no longer confined to marriage but is an every day pleasure for some and why bother with marriage.   So the babies pay the price.

So the last gear battle between Mary and Satan is about the family.  


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