FATIMA EVENING - Finding Fatima
OUR LADY OF FATIMA EVENING AT ST JOSEPH'S BASINGSTOKE. TUESDAY OCTOBER 10TH AT ABOUT 7.45PM AFTER OCTOBER DEVOTIONS AT 7PM............There will be a documentary DVD shown at St Josephs on the above date concerning the appearance of Our Lady and the subsequent Miracle of the Sun at Fatima in 1917. Our Lady through three little shepherd children warned us about the future wars and destruction the would happen unless we followed her simple plan of saying the Rosary, doing penance, and consoling God for the offences against him who already was suffering so much. We have had many apparitions before but this one was so special that God Himself showed his approval of Our Lady's Message by allowing 70,000 people to witness His power by causing the Sun to dance in the sky and then appear to fall to earth. The Miracle was foretold and many of the crowd were there to laugh and scoff, but stood there speechless. There is something in us that makes us feel disturbed when Faith is challenged in this way. We feel comfortable when it is just belief and we can certainly faithfully believe but when Heaven comes too close and we are suddenly confronted with the things of Heaven becoming a proven reality then there is a real challenge and we have to take stock of ourselves. Some of us will become too uncomfortable and would rather not know, some will find that the message is in conflict with the things they believe and will either fade up to the challenge and change, or become hostile to the Apparition no matter what proof is offered. But the latter approach cannot change the facts that something extraordinary did happen in Fatima. There is of course the reality that Jesus taught about Hell being repeated by Mary, but the message of Fatima is not a negative one. Our Lady has promised that in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph and we will have peace, but to help her accomplish this we must embrace the mesagte of the Rosary and Sacrifice for the conversion of sinners. We are caught up in a war between good and evil and we must help the good to win.
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