There is only One God and Jesus is His Son.
As we pray our Rosaries let us reflect on the Truths of our Faith. There is only One God and that One God contains three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three persons are not three Gods but the One and the same God. It was this God in the person of Jesus Christ who was born as man, and suffered and died for our sins. He shared in our Humanity so that we humans could share in His Divinity. There is no other God like our God.
The greatest enemy in our time is not just ecumenism but any Inter-Faith movements that would for example compare the Moslem God Allah to the God of the Christians. There is no comparison between the two. Our God is a God of Love, their God discriminates between those he loves and those he hates. He is not a Father but a Master. Through the Rosary we must pray for the people of Islam that they will be converted to the True God and become followers of Jesus Christ, His Son.
The greatest enemy in our time is not just ecumenism but any Inter-Faith movements that would for example compare the Moslem God Allah to the God of the Christians. There is no comparison between the two. Our God is a God of Love, their God discriminates between those he loves and those he hates. He is not a Father but a Master. Through the Rosary we must pray for the people of Islam that they will be converted to the True God and become followers of Jesus Christ, His Son.
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